The real deal

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As the Girl's arrived at the venue surprised at how the boy's and the place looked .

Irisa's eye's were covered because it was a party for her (okay they are to kind considering she was one %of her mother's ....wait sorry lets go on)

Draco's POV 

I don't know if i was born luck or just .....i really don't know ,People say beauty is pain but Princess .......I guess whoever said that was right i just couldn't breath .

If it's not that I am meant to be calm , then ..... I know people here would have seen what am made of underneath (*wink wink*)

"She looks good ha!"Pansy said and i looked away .

"I knew you would like it " i blushed on how predictable i was .

"you got a beautiful goddess there Draco "Oh merlin if they don't stop i don't want to explain what would happen next .

"Hey ,don't be so shy Draco ,This is not you ,Don't be so red you will take the spotlight ."Harry Theo and ron Mocked me .

When a little hand held mine ,it was me little angel Ela pulling me towards Irisa .

As she walked in it was my duty to an try her blind fold and i was happy with that she would see me first ,

I untried her blind fold making sure i don't mess her hair ,But I could not help it but kiss her neck ,am sorry but it's like when you see a tasty snack you eat it right but her mmh she looked like a whole meal.

sorry i will not eat the my princess ,"Draco "She shouted hugging me ,and whispered "You look breathtaking  and i love your the first sight i see when i entered the venue"

Oh i blushed like a high school girl talking to her crush ,"And you ,You look tasty like i could pin yo......"

"Uh stop kissing and lets go "Ela Shouted making My Mum  laugh and Princess and I blush hard .

"You look beautiful Cutie pie  " i complimented Ela as we Walk towards everyone for the real deal ,

"Thank you Draco I decided because Irisa is beautiful i would dress like her "

"Thank you cutie pie but you are already beautiful just the way you are "Cutie pie hugged princess an we stepped in and surprise of the beautiful place light up 

"SURPRISE "everyone shouted,It was a welcome to the party.

We greeted the people and sat at the table set for us ,i just could not help myself but look at Princess and her cute laugh and her smile the words she used !This man could make a grown man cry 

Then i saw it some guy called Cedric he was an year older than me but right now she was laughing very nervously .

Before i could go to her Harry Ron and Hermione save her ,

That was a relief they came to me princess running hugged me and whispered "Am scared Draco .......Th....that guy is weird "

I was so made not even a day would go by without this hufflepuff's scaring  her .

Both me and Princess left the venue to the garden i needed to kill her ,

"Let's sit here "

"Okay"I felt shy suddenly .

"What did you want to tell me Mr Malfoy ??Why did you call me here??"

"Mh...I wanted to say .......She stopped me by sitting on my lap and her legs on either side of me .

"Tell me handsome what did you want to tell me ??"Now i can't speak she makes me nervous ,now i look like the idiot ,

"I-i wanted you to stay with me b- because you haven't anytime for me today "

"oh really is that all "

"M...  mh that's all "then she moved back and laid and my chest "me too "

"So you also wanted to spend time with me ?"i asked as i wrapped my hands around her 

"Yeah ,not that i hate parties i just don't like being the center of attention and i can't do thinks like ....."then she stopped .

"Like what princess?? "she shook her head no and i got an opportunity to make her nervous 

"You know you just can't stop talking and leave without telling me right ??"

"I-i can and I- did "i held her waist which made her jump and looked into my eyes 

"So.. will you tell me or should i make you "

She blushed so hard i swear she looked like a tomato "Mh ..."she looked down ,

and i took the opportunity to kiss her neck .

Then oops she moaned "D....Draco " ahh it drove me crazy but i stopped the cape that was on her dress was open and i had made marks on her neck ,

and guess what the neck part on the cape was too short from where i made the marks ,did she really have to look this good now see where it got us .

"Are you going to tell me or should ........"

" ouch Harry "Hermione Pansy and Ginny were on the ground and the rest even Ela and yuki where there spying on me and Irisa .

Irisa and I stand in shook,

"Explain why you are here ?"

"Mmh ..we - were -here -for -uh ......"pansy tried to explain

"Flowers "yuki and Ela shout and the rest agree .

"You know that this side of the garden does not have flowers right ??"they look around and notice the place truly does not have flowers .

"Uh ......"

"Sorry I don't have an excuse "Yuki was about to explain what they were doing here when ,william held her mouth and they both blushed .

"Oh why so red William "Thank Merlin the attention was no longer Me and princess ,but the attention of this people was hell bent an us .

"We will tell you why we are here is you tell us what that mark on your neck is "

Oh shit i don't know how to get out of this now "I ....It is Just my neck i have nothing to explain "with that an argument started between me and the rest and princess was too scared .


and she ran away leaved there jaws dropped

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