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The cheering had stopped but almost everyone wanted a hug from Irisa 

"congratulations " a child said giving Irisa a chocolate bar

"thank you " 

Draco was hating this not because of the children hugging or the attention she got but because even some of the older boys wanted to hug he [if it was me i would be mad to very mad]

Some just wanted to touch her butt or feel her hour~glass~body it made him red with anger ,Theo seemed have noticed how mad Draco was getting .

Draco stormed out .

"Uhh Riss can i talk to you outside ??"Theo asked pointing to Draco walking out .

"Yeah we can talk outside "she responded 

They walked out of the great hall .

"Where is Draco Theo ??"

"How should i know "

"Your his bestfriend after all "

"And you were meant to be taking care of him "

"No ,I lost Draco again no ,no" Irisa fell on the wall hitting her hand on it again and again 

"STOP HURTING YOURSELF WILL NOT FIND DRACO"theo said trying to stop her but know her hand was bleeding buckets .

"JUST STOP "Irisa fell to her she started shaking like she was cold wait no like she was in the north pole .

She hugged her knees to her chest and started crying "i did not kill him please forgive me "

Theo was lost he had to do something ,"a spell "it was one they were taught to cast when you need help and it would tell your other friends you need help  and this was agent ,

Theo cast the spell it flew up making it look like fire works but then went to different ways .

hopefully Draco will come first

Draco's POV

"How dare they touch her like that ??" 

I sat in the potions room there was no one at the time and I can cry in peace .

"What is that a flashing light then .........what "

"Theo sent this Irisa hurt herself because Draco is lost find Draco and Theo will be on his way to the hospital wing with Riss hurry !!!"

"Wait !she hurt herself no i need to go !

I reached the Hospital wing and found professor Mcgonagall levitating  Riss onto the bed ,"what happen to her ??"i asked Theo as i held her bloody hand 

"for fuck sake you happened she hurt herself will saying no i hurt Draco she lost so much blood  and the last words she said before she lost consciousness was sorry Draco i didn't mean to"

"Move move her wounds need to be cleaned "

"can I do it please ??i caused this please ?

"okay but the rest have to go only two people "

"I can stay only if Draco wants ?"pansy asked as the others exited the room ."yeah please "

"Princess why did you do this to yourself why "

"She lost loads of blood she may not ........"


"No she will wake up in a few minutes i also want her to be a prefect i wanted to say she may not write for at list a week "

"Sorry am just ......."

"you really love her do you ??"

"Yeah "

"i think she loves you too for her to do this she does love you ?"

"Mh i don't think so now she is pretty hurt "

"but what really happened why is she in this condition ??"pansy asked 

"i happened i was jealous when she was hugging the older boys i stormed out ...."

"Then i........ will .......never hug them ..... again "

"Riss!"Princess !"

"sorry...... Draco I didn't....... know it made you .......sad "

"No no don't apologies remember what mum said it is not you fault "

"I will leave you two alone "

"same "pansy and the nurse left.

"Why did you hurt yourself like this for me why ??"

"cause i thought you are not okay .........."

i interrupted by kissing her and she kissed me back 

~~~one make out later ~~~ 

i pulled away when Ginny walked in 

"Sorry sorry i will leave "

"No what is it ??Riss answered breathlessly 

"No i will go "

"she just said speak "i demanded 

"Okay The head master is asking if she is coming "

"Yes but only if Draco comes with me "

"Okay he can " Professor Snape said .

I helped her up tell my Dorm to change her clothes and we left to the head masters office .

hehe  okay thing's will go up hill from here 

just kidding it may go up hill

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