The past 2

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I know your confused what the hell happen how did the fate just change .

(Question~able  i know ,)

Cissa and Snape where in the room making out there was a past to it 


It was the day Avery Died which was also the day that Irisa was born and her 5th birthday . When it was the day of Irisa's birthday William was already born like a year ago . Irisa knew nothing of her father and only knew her aunt and uncle .

"Mum i want the other dress "Irisa shouted running around the up stairs in her underwear and a vest .

"riss I wear this one please the other dress is very far Darling "Avery pleaded with a Irisa who was no willing to listen .

"Mum it makes me look ugly i want to look like a princess like the one we saw that day "She said know facing her mother .

Avery tried to catch her but this is where thing went south(literally )the door bell rang and immediatly she turned she missed a step and rolled down the stairs .

A loud bang was heard as Avery's body fell of the last stair ,Irisa still half-dressed ran down and knelt down next to her mother's body .

Avery was  still alive but not going to live she had sever injures her head was bleeding head body was wounded .

"Mum please ,why are you bleeding ?"Irisa asked as she held her mother close , "am sorry i will wear this dress don't go please ."

The people out side where her aunt and uncle they made there way in after hearing the loud bang and came in to see Avery was already dead and irisa covered in blood and crying

"mum please an sorry i did not mean to "irisa cried her eyes out

Avery Dead holding the dress that Irisa did not want to wear ,Irisa took the dress and wore it ,"Mum see i have worn it please don't tell me you will die ."
Irisa knelt down still talking......

.......But Avery was already dead but not before asking Irisa bring a tiny jar from the table and she put something blue which she know knows taking out a memory using a stick (wand )and asked her to give it to her aunt and uncle .

But she just held  the jar, still dressed a bloody dress  and Avery breathed her last right in her arm's.

Oh there was nothing more traumatizing than having to look into the eye's of her lifeless mother's body knowing too well , she was never coming back .

Her uncle held her back as she screamed her lungs out attracting attention from the nose people around who came in to find a lifeless body and  Irisa still screaming no and in a bloody dress .

It took a few hours before she stopped screaming and was unconscious know it was baby William's turn to start crying ,he had not had any food all morning and could not have a peaceful sleep cause his sister was crying and screaming .

I really wonder what he felt at the time ;Did he want to slap her ?or probably kill her too ? i really don't know what goes on in a child's mind .

Anyway ,

Irisa's aunt took him feed him and he went back to sleep the appeared to there place and they were placed on bed's to sleep .

Irisa's uncle went back to the place and her aunt sent a letter to Snape .

If you have never seen a man cry than you are lucky ,Snape went through with the funeral without shedding a tear but in return he did not speak he fell into total depression and he only had Lucius and his wife Narcissa at the time they let him stay at the manor until ......

Irisa was unconscious for all that time so she never got to see her father and did not attend her mother's funeral .

Back at the Malfoy manor Narcissa was helping Severus .

"Severus you need to talk tell us ...tell me what you are feeling please "

Severus still did not speak but Narcissa pleaded with him till she had no choice but to kiss him ,(okay she did have a choice to leave him to get over it but i guess she wanted to kiss someone)

and this story or this specific chapter is not that i hate her , I really love her and this is a tribute to the actress who played her and her actress died on my birthday so i really don't hate her please

It was a long and passionate kiss i guess they both just needed someone to kiss i bet( becky with the good hair )Lucius did not give better kisses than Snape .

Once they pulled back Narcissa panicked and left the room and Snape was left dumbfounded ,but never cleared  air but never kissed again till ....

Back to the present 

Narcissa was pinned to the wall not caring where the hell they are when Pansy walks in on the and they both jumped apart but she didn't say any thing and left Narcissa turned to see Snape buttoning his clothes and without a word Cissa left .

Oh i forgot to mention that pansy is Draco 's sister first born to Cissa and Becky with the good hair but as luck could have it Pansy turned out to be like Cissa and Draco too .

Cissa knew she did something that her child could never unsee ,she found her behind some hidden place in the house it was where she came when her parents fought .

"Mum when were you going to tell me ?"Pansy asked sitted an the cold floor not looking up but knowing cissa was there .

"Dear I......."

"Mum get to the point ,an not ten anymore " Pansy inturrpted her but she was crying her eyes out .

To Be continued ......

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