Golden problems

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Two weeks had passed and Draco was feeling but he pretended not to be so to spend time with Irisa . 

They were all seated at the gryffindor table doing work " Okay !Hey Riss, would you like to be in the golden trio ??"pansy asked after the boys theo and draco forced her too . 

"What is the Golden trio??

"It is three of the best of friend's become a trio like Harry ,Ron and Hermione they are the legendary trio ,matheo me and luna are the silver trio and Theo and Draco are the Golden trio 

"Oh but ......."

"a trio needs three yeah Ron's sister was in the Golden trio not because we were friend's but because we needed a third member then she decided to miss use the power ."

"how ...did .....she miss use the power and what power ??

"When in a trio you are respected and it means you have been chosen to be a prefect ."

"But ....I " Irisa asked but interrupted Draco reveled a letter from under the table and gives it to Irisa .

"That is the letter the headmaster gave us to give to give to you ,"

"Promise we didn't open it ,"Draco said and the rest nodded 

"We were asked to ask you if you wanted to be a prefect and in the golden trio "

Irisa was quiet and started reading the letter 

Miss Avery Snape .

"It has come to my attention from Professors and students around the school that you are a good help in school .

The staff and students have decided to relive Ginny Weasley from her position as prefect and Third member of the Golden trio .

The position will be given to you at the request of the school professors and  students .

If you accept this position you and miss Ginny will come to the headmaster's office to be appointed  and the celebration of your appointment will be  that evening ."

headMaster  A.D

"I don't know guys this's too much"

"Do you need confirmation ??"and the next thing they knew pansy was on the table .


"YES "was shouted by the school and somewhere up on the table shouting "TAKE IT"

"Know you want to take it?? "pansy asked 

"YES i will but tell them to stop please stop"she was covering her ears and shaking ,Draco held her close Irisa was crying she could not handle the noise .

"PLEASE STOP YOU ARE HURTING RISS ," the school fell to a pin~drop ~silence after they all said sorry together

"Do you want to leave "Draco whispered in her ear and she nodded and they ran to the tree next to the black lake .

"That's better ??"

"Yes " 

"You know you don't have to take the prefect position right ??"Draco asked after a few minutes of silence .

" Are they talking of how i help them and give them hugs and speak nicely to them ??"Irisa asked and laid her heard on Draco's shoulder 

"Yeah "Draco said sadly and Irisa noticed ."Are you going to be sad if i don't take it ??

" i will be happy you the leader everyone wants "  

"Then why so sad ??"

"Am not sad you are "

"yeah i am ,i am taking Ginny's spot as prefect and i will not spent much time with you "

"Hey ,Princess you are not taking her spot ,she didn't want it and I am a prefect too so we will work together "Draco said and Irisa hugged him "You sure "Irisa asked as she pulled away from the hug to look at Draco .

"Promise Princess but do what you feel is right ."know they were kneeling opposite each other and the were doing that thing again looking into each others eyes .

"I know what would help me know "Draco thought as his hand moved down to Irisa's waist  .

"i don't want to stop please do it please "Irisa thought as her hand slowly wrapped around Draco's neck .Closer ,CLoser CLOSER .

"hey Riss, Draco "Pansy shouted they pulled away and jumped to there feet .

"Look the children wrote apology letters for shouting and there is more the boys are bringing ,uh wait did i interrupt something ??"she asked after seeing our red faces .

"Ohh no nothing you were saying something "Draco answered .

"yeah ,the children wrote letters for the shouting "

Irisa took one 

irisa sorry i shouted promise it was not intentional but can you be a  prefect please"

from third year 's Ela

"The letters are so many and they are all saying the same thing  "

"and more are coming" 

"Can I have a few minutes alone " Irisa asked but Draco was not happy "Yeah sure ,take you time "Pansy answered and Draco nodded and started walking away with tears in his eyes .

"Ah " Irisa hugged Draco from the back "Promise I 'm coming don't be sad please "

"Okay but don't be long " 

Irisa took a bunch of the letters and sat under the tree ,"why do they want me ?I have never had to lead people ,I do enjoy helping and every one wants me to ."

"hey Riss right mind if we talk ??"

"no please come sit Ginny 

"A little birdy told me you didn't want the spot because you thought you are taking it from me ."

"sorry but i don't want to make you my enemy and i hate when i get other people's things "

"Don't worry girl you are the right person for the position its only been two weeks and you kindness has made the school love you . "

"you think i should take it "

"Do what you think is right bye "

"Okay "

Back in the Great hall Draco was shouting at Pansy "you just had to come at that time  "

"I said sorry Draco so.."she was interrupted by Irisa who walked in the room was pin drop silence " i need to talk to all of them at one " Irisa whispered to Draco .

She held Draco 's hand as irisa got on the table used her wand to make her voice louder .

"Thank you for the apology letters they were really nice mostly ela's sorry i can't remember the others names i have decided i will take the position as the new prefect in the Golden trio ."

As soon as she finished the student's stood on the tables and cheered as Draco helped Irisa down .

"Should i tell them to stop princess "Draco asked Irisa who was lying on his chest .

"No let them celebrate " Irisa said and kissed Draco .

"Thank you "

"Anytime Princess " and kissed her back .

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