12 4 2

So this is not a chapter but it is important .I am not doing the regular harry potter ending  the noseless guy is gone so there a few changes but make a big difference . 

Don't think i hate the regular ending ,I just think someone else needs to be the villain for a change .

So the villains are two and practically one needed spotlight another needed to be taught a lesson . 

The change' are 

One  there are more than one trio 

Two is some characters are not the same houses 

Three the relationships will change eg harry and Draco are......wait you will read it 

 Four I did not have time to think of a number four

okay lets get into 



                                Hermione Granger 

                                Harry Potter

                                Ronald Weasley

                                Ginny Weasley 


                             Irisa Snape 

                             Draco Malfoy 

                             Theodore Nott 

                             Pansy Parkinson 

                             William Snape 


                            Luna Lovegood 

                            Matheo Riddle 


                           Cedric Diggory 

                            Astoria Greengrass

The trios 


- Hermione 

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- Hermione 





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Sorry the pictures  are not accurate 

and see you in the next chapter :)

Why i hate my past ~~D.MМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя