The past

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Draco's POV

Mum was still refusing to tell me so i have to do something 

"Mum,I am sorry for shouting please Mum tell me Why ??I said as i knelt at her feet know she had to answer cause according to our tradition th son's should not beg.

"Draco stand up stop begging Please "

"Mum please tell me please Plea..." 

"IT WILL BRING BACK HER OLD MEMORIES OF HER AND YOU OF A NIGHT SIMILAR TO THIS WHEN YOU TO KISSED BEFORE SNAPE AND I DECIDED TO earse your memories of each other and the memories coming sooner then ......."

That shock the living sh*t in me ,i now did not want to know about it anymore but nothing is easy in life "Mum then ......"

"She may get into a coma for a year or ......."

Wait there is more than a coma "Mum what is worse than that tell me mum please "

"Draco ,I can't tell you it will break you .No no i will not tell you Draco "She turned her head not  to look me in the eye .

I knew it would hurt but I needed to know but at my mum's pace , "Okay , I think Professor Snape and dad they may know " I said standing up to leave .

"DRACO SHE MAY DIE "I feel to my knees and started shocking i turned and to find my mum cry so I sucked up my emotions and stop her from crying ,She had grown fond of Princess and i could feel her .

"Mum it will be fine she will not die no one will agree of that" i said hugging her as she hugged me back .

"Draco why are you so strong where did you learn this from .This is not my son "she jokingly said with a beautiful realistic smile .

"Who else mum but you mum and I am sorry i just wanted to know and help where i could you know i love her mum am sorry"

"Don't apologies Draco I should not have earesed irisa's and your memories of each other ."

"I know in was important or dad would have done something if you did not thank you mum your the best ."i hugged and she hugged me back still crying which i let her she needed to .

I just needed to get my memory fully back then my strength and protect Princess from dying, Astoria and My father .

Irisa's POV

I had run into the garden and stopped where the flower so i knelt to take a look at them but I felt so  dizzy and fell to my to my knees but mione helped me get up to the to the bench and she was with El  

"Are you okay ?" she asked and i nodded and El hugged me .

"You really need to start taking good care of yourself riss ,but anyway why did you run of like that "

My face got hot I just turned away so she would not ask again but know El asked me "why are you blushing please tell me "She pouted and i could not say it even though i wanted to .

"Is it because Draco kissed you in front of everyone ?"I turned to her eyes wide and Mione was giggling .

"UH-I -uh -you know -mh ....."

"Just tell us how did it fell ?"Mione said it jokingly but as I got thinking i could see some pictures or memorises but they didn't have clear faces but it was a small girl and a boy .

Then my head ached again but this time even worse than before and it was not going .

"AHhhhh ......Help me please" are the only words that could come out of my mouth at the moment .

Mione started panicking but remembered something an that was the last thing i remember before waking up my Dad was holding my hand and people were talking about something but all i wanted to see was Draco .

"Draco Draco "i reached out my hand so he can take it .

"Princess . Here I am lo.... Darling "Wait what was all that about he was about to call me love but what was that about ,i didn't want to think about it too much .

"What happened to me Draco ??"He looked around at everyone who gave him a 'tell her look '

"It's okay you don't have to tell me , but could i get some water ?"My father passed the glass to me as i sat up .

My father looked disturbed and he stood and walked out "Dad"i shouted but he did not turn back but Cissa followed him 

Athour's POV

"Severus ,Severus ."

"STOP RIGHT NOW ?"snape turned and he was wait .............. crying .

"Severus crying will not help you ,What the nurse has said can't be changed it has to happen you know that right "

"You take pride  in seeing me cry don't you "snape said as Cissa wiped his tears 

"Love ,even though i would like to pay good money to see you cry it is not a look for you "

Cissa's was still holding Snape's face when he pulled her into one room and ......

Okay i am very sorry for leaving you guys on hold but guess what the story is know just starting i hope you love rollercoasters cause you are about to ride one .

Why i hate my past ~~D.MWhere stories live. Discover now