The Two Lisas

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Gwen was working a shift at the Alibi with V. The Rub n Tug upstairs was getting shut down for good, there was another raid currently happening. It's weird that they're Rub n' Tug got shut down but Jen's is still open, probably because it actually looks like a real spa and not operating in the upstairs of a bar.

"Milkovich." Gwen greeted Mickey as he entered the bar.

"Gallagher." He greeted back.

"Another raid." Veronica told him.

"Third fucking one this month!" He cried and noticed the baby bottles V, "That all come out of your rack?"

"Kev wants the twins to drink boob juice. He let them drink your wife's hooker milk. I will milk myself like a goat before I let them drink that Russian AIDS milk." V turned to Mickey, "No offense."

"None taken." He shrugged making Gwen chuckle softly, "So, how's that kid of yours, Gallagher?"

Gwen smiled, "Evie is doing great. In fact, by the end of this month, she'll be 10 months old."

This made Mickey's eyes widen, "Wow, she growing up fast."

"She sure is."

"Looks like a hand-whore fire sale out there." Frank commented as he walked in carrying a container full of masa jars.

"Yeah, I got fucking busted again." Mickey cried as he took a sip of his beer.

"You see? This is what I'm saying." Frank said as he got some shot glasses, "It's the decline of civilization as we know it. They're trying to make the neighborhood spiffy for the invading hipster hordes."

"Uh-uh! You don't BYOB in my place." Veronica said as Frank pour some beer out of the masa jars he brought into the shot glasses.

"I made it. 'Milk of the Gods.' Ten times stronger than regular beer." Frank explained as he passed the shot glasses around.

"What did you do? Buy some expired coors light, stir some dog shit in for color?" One of the patrons asked.

"Knock yourself out." Frank said.

Gwen looked at hers for a minute, sniffed it, and since she had 4 clean breast milk in bottles in the fridge at home, she can drink at least one shot.

She looked towards Mickey and they both said, "Cheers." Before taking the shot.

"Wow! That is strong." Gwen said with a look on her face.

"Holy shit, this is potent." Veronica cringed after taking a sip.

"Strongest beer known to man." Frank grinned, "It's also good for cleaning toilets and sinks or degreasing auto parts. Makes a nice antibacterial for minor wounds. You should get some for the bar."

"Hell, no!" Veronica shook her head, "I don't need someone in a coma after only buying on beer. I'll go bankrupt."

"No, this is high-end stuff..." Frank stated, leaning against the bar, "$45, $50 a bottle. It's like ten beers in one."

"Who can afford that in this hood?" Gwen questioned.

One of the patrons passed out on the floor after drinking a bit too much of Frank's "Milk of the Gods."

"Drag him to the sober chair." V instructed Mickey and Gwen, who both nodded and got up to do so.

As they dragged the drunk guy to the sober chair, Gwen decided to start a little conversation.

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