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It's been a few days since Fiona's been put into prison. During that time, Gwen and Pete and Lip have been taking care of everything. Also Evie has gotten better. Her fever is gone and she's looking much better. Gwen and Pete were glad to see their daughter looking so much better now. They hated seeing her sick.


Back to the present:

It was morning at the Gallagher house, Ian was staying at Mickey's, Carl's friend, Bonnie and her 7 siblings, and Amanda, Lip's new "whatever" he says, were sleeping in their partners beds, same as Gwen and Pete.

In Gwen's room, Pete had one arm wrapped around her shoulders, the other holding onto the hand that lays on his chest, as Gwen faced him, one of her knees in between his thighs, as they continued to snuggle in their sleep.

Evie was sleeping soundly in her crib, no more cold, so she slept soundly that night, she looked so precious in her sleep.

Gwen slowly stirred in Pete's arms as she slowly woke up, looking into her boyfriend's handsome face as he sleeps. She kissed his cheek before carefully moving his arms off of her and her knee out from between his thighs.

But before she could get out of bed, Pete, without opening his eyes, startled her by quickly pulling her back into his arms. She looked up at his face as his eyes opened, him smirking.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Pete whispered.

"Good morning, handsome." Gwen whispered back with a smile.

"How'd you sleep?" Pete asked.

"Good." Gwen said but then suddenly started to shiver in her boyfriend's arms, "Fuck, is it just me, or is it cold in here?"

"You're right, it's like Antarctica in here." Pete agreed as he let her go and they both sat up and got out of bed, getting their coats off the floors to keep them warm.

Before leaving their room, they heard a noise coming from Evie's crib and looked down into it to find their daughter awake, babbling, smiling up at her parents as she held her hands up at them, making grabby fists with them, making her parents smile.

"Hi, baby, did my mommy and daddy wake you?" Gwen cooed as she picked her daughter up and held her on her hip.

"We're sorry." Pete cooed as he pinched her cheek softly, making her giggle, "We'll try to be more quiet for you in the morning."

Evie was already bundled up in her pajama onesie. It was a pink onesie with tiny zebras on it. All her clothes made her look even more adorable.

"Come on, let's go down stairs to see what's wrong with the heat." Gwen stated as they opened their bedroom door, meeting Lip and Debbie in the hallway, "Morning guys, why is it fucking freezing in here?"

"Fiona has us turning it down at night, save on gas." Debbie explained to both Lip and Gwen as she walked to her room.

"Christ. I can almost see my breath." Lip shivered.

"Yeah, if it gets any colder, we might have a winter wonderland indoors." Pete joked, making Gwen and lip chuckle.

"Yeah, it will be soon." Debbie said as she turned back to them, "Gas company's cutting us off on Friday."

"What, Fiona didn't pay it?" Lip asked.

"She paid what she could." Debbie shrugged.

"All right, I'll see what money I've saved up." Gwen offered.

"No, it's all right, I got some money from Amanda's folks." Lip informed.

"Let's make a list." Gwen suggested, "We'll pay some bills together, yeah?"

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