Cascading Failures

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Gwen was trying not to cry as she, Pete and Fiona helped carry the kids bags to the minivan. Jimmy's car pulled up behind it as he got out of it.

"Look who fucking decided to show up." Gwen muttered.

"Woah. Whoa. Whoa. Hey, what the hell's going on?" Jimmy questioned.

"Department of Family Services is taking us away." Debbie cried as she carried Liam on her hip as they got in the minivan.

"They what? Can they do that?" Jimmy questioned.

"Of course they can." Pete told him.

"It won't last." Fiona assured them and Gwen nodded her head in agreement.

"She's right. You'll be back home before you know it. Don't worry." Gwen told them, "When was it last time, a week?"

"Nine days." Debbie corrected.

"See? Everything is gonna be all right. I promise." Gwen kissed her forehead.

"Aw, twenty bucks says we're back in five." Lip said as he took Liam from Debbie and fastened him in the car seat.

"Can we get their placement addresses from you now?" Fiona asked Britney, hopeful.

But Britney shook her head, "Not until the intake interviews with the children are complete."

Gwen signed in frustration as Britney got in the driver's seat of the minivan, "Who the fuck reported us?"

And with that, the minivan's engines started and drove away, Gwen started to tear up at the sight, Pete came up from behind and hugged her.


Later, Gwen and Fiona were sitting in the waiting room at DFS, anxiously waiting for Britney.

Gwen felt the strong baby kick, making her groan, and she knew she had to keep herself from going into labor. She didn't want the kids to miss out on when they're niece is born.

"You good?" Fiona asked, concerned for her sister.

"Yeah, I'm good." Gwen assured, "Just gotta keep the little bitch until we get the kids back."

Fiona gently caressed Gwen's baby bump, till they heard their name called.


They looked up and saw Britney. They stood up from their chairs and followed her over to her desk.

"We were hoping to see Marilyn." Fiona admitted, "She's been our case worker for the last couple of years."

"Well, uh, the turnover rate in our field is quite high. It's really a wonder Marilyn lasted as long as she did." Britney informed as she sat in her chair, the Gallaghers sisters sitting on the outside of her desk, "So how can I help you?"

"You could help by giving us the addresses of where the kids are staying. Please?" Gwen pleaded.

"I already told you, I can't give out any information about the case until the intakes are complete." Britney told them.

"Come on. Marilyn always used to give us the info, just so we can know they're okay, and can get them stuff, like books or clothes, or whatever." Fiona explained.

Britney signed, "Well, that is a clear violation of policy on Marilyn's part." She took out her notebook to write something, but Fiona quickly slapped her hand on the paper to get her attention.

"Hey. I know you think you're helping, but as someone who has been in and out of the system their whole lives, we can tell you it's a nightmare." She told Britney.

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