A Beautiful Mess

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It was morning at the Gallagher house and Gwen was helping Debbie and Ethel with the daycare, while Fiona was taking a nap upstairs in her room. And at some point during the 'chaos' Gwen hears the someone knocking at the back door and goes to answer it. When she opened the door she found a blond women, holding a baby in a carrier. She looks familiar, Gwen thought.

"I'm looking for Fiona Gallagher." The woman said, and Debbie walked up next to Gwen.

"Aww. How old is he?"

"He is a she." The lady said with an attitude, "Is Fiona home?" Gwen motioned for Debbie to go get Fiona, while Gwen stayed at the door and finally remembered her.

"Oh! Now I remember who you are!" Gwen exclaimed, "You're Lucy Joe, right?"

She nodded, "That's right. Long time no see, huh Gallagher?"

"Yeah. So how you've been? I see you got a kid now?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, one out of three. And now I'm married to——" Lucy Joe stopped herself once she saw Fiona walked downstairs with Debbie.

"Hey, I'm Fiona."

"Fiona, this is - - " Gene started but was interrupted by Lucy Joe punching Fiona in the face causing her to fall to the flour, "Bitch!" Lucy Joe shouted.

"What the fuck, Lucy Joe?!" Gwen yelled.

"That's for fucking my husband!" And Gwen looked at Fiona in shock.

"No.... You didn't!"

Fiona started to run away with Lucy Joe chasing after her, and Gwen chased after them.

"Remember me?! Lucy Joe Heisner? Craig's wife?!" She heard Lucy Joe yelled as they continued to chase around the house. And at some point during the chase, Lucy Joe managed to grab the kill bat.

"Why the hell did you give her the kill bag, Fiona?!" Gwen yelled as they ended up outside and Gwen decided to stop chasing after them, realizing this was Fiona's problem, not hers and went back inside.


An hour or so later, Gwen, Pete, Kev and Debbie were playing in the pool with the daycare kids, while Ethel stayed out of the pool.

Kev did a cannon ball,'align the kids laugh, while Pete threw Gwen in, making her squeal, as he came in after her.

"Ethel, come on. Why don't you go upstairs and borrow a swimming suit from Debbie? Come in the pool?" Kevin asked Ethel.

She shook her head, "No, thank you, sir. I wouldn't feel comfortable unless I was in my own swimming costume."

"All right, suit yourself, party pooper." Kevin splashed a little water on her, making her laugh. That's when Gwen noticed Fiona walking towards them, looking around. After Gwen gave up chasing after her and Lucy Joe, Gwen told Pete about it, so he's all caught up.

"Coast clear?" Fiona asked.

"Yeah, your safe, slut." Pete joked, making Gwen hit him playfully.

"Who we dodging today?" Kevin asked, "Bill collectors? Process servers?"

Fiona leaned against the pool's edge and said, "Mrs. Craig Heisner."

"I thought you were just meeting him for coffee." Gwen told her sister, who shook her head.

"I know. I know. It just kind of happened."

"No excuse. He's married." Gwen reminded.

"What are you doing? You've been acting like a dude all summer." Kevin said.

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