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Fiona was sentenced to 90 days in correctional facility for breaking probation. Gwen, Pete and Lip promised to take care of everything at home. Lip mostly, Gwen and Pete tried best to help but Evie was still sick with a cold.

Lip was still going to college, and still bringing Liam with him, even though Gwen told him she could take care of him. Debbie was still... Debbie... and Carl would tell them about his new friend, Bonnie and how he has had his first kiss. Gwen thought it was adorable. Hearing her baby brother falling in love.

Back to the present,

Evie was crying in the middle of the night, waking everyone up.

Gwen went downstairs to get her medicine. There she found Debbie in the kitchen.

"You're up?"

"Well, I can't exactly sleep." Debbie spat.

"I know. I know." Gwen signed, "I'm sorry."

After she got the medicine, she was about to head upstairs when she bumped into Carl as he came downstairs.

"Evie woke you up too?"

"What do your think?"

"I'm so sorry, guys." Gwen apologized before heading upstairs where Pete was trying to calm Evie down. Her face was red and she was crying still.

"Here you go baby, this will make you better." Gwen cooed as she used an eye dropper to Evie her medicine. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.

"Hopefully in a few more days, she'll be all better." Pete signed tiredly, "I read babies usually have colds for two weeks."

"May God fucking help us." Gwen mumbled, tired and hate the sight of her daughter sick.


Gwen and Pete were hoping not to work today because Evie was sick, but Kev insisted on them being at the Alibi that night. Saying Mickey's kid just got baptized and their having some sort of 'party' at the Alibi. And Terry Milkovich is gonna be there so Kev felt more comfortable to have them there. Gwen and Pete reluctantly agreed and had Lip watch Evie that night at home. They left a list on everything she'll need to help with her cold and if anything was wrong, call immediately.

Now at the Alibi, Gwen and Pete were behind the bar as Kevin helped Mickey with his plate. Gwen noticed Ian glumly sitting at the end of the bar, crushing the nuts.

She walked over and asked, "Hey, you okay?"

"Mickey still refuses to tell everyone I'm his boyfriend." Ian signed, "And I don't wanna be a fucking mistress."

"I know it's tough Ian, but you have to understand, if Terry wasn't his father, I'm sure Mickey would love to admit he's your boyfriend." Gwen told her brother softly, trying to reassure him as Mickey came over.

"Look, Svetlana wants you to go." She overheard Mickey tell Ian before walking down the bar to leave them alone.

"Hey, how's it going over here?" Gwen smiled at her boyfriend as a bunch of Russian whores sat at the bar, staring and smiling at him. One of them kept trying to hold his arm but he kept pulling it away, and since none of them knew what he was saying....

"Oh, thank fuck you're here." Pete mumbled as he pulled her into a deep kiss right in front of the Russians, making a few of them walk away, "Sorry, I had not fucking idea how to tell them to 'fuck off!' in Russian. I even tried my 'Fuck Off!' knuckle tattoos and they still kept flirting." Pete explained after pulling away and Gwen pecked his lips again.

Second Oldest ~ ShamelessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin