The Sins of My Caregivers

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It's been almost a week since Ned Lishman came by. And Jimmy has been ranting on about his parents divorce, his broken finger and the fact his father's gay. Frankly, Gwen was getting sick and tired of hearing it. He's a fucking adult, for Christ's sake. Gwen thought as she felt another sharp pain from her stomach Gwen was now currently 37-and-a-half weeks pregnant and although the doctors said she'd be due in 2 weeks, there's always a chance of the baby coming early. So she and Pete have been trying to be very careful and keeping an eye out. They still couldn't believe they were gonna be parents very soon. They've come up with 8 possible names; Margaret, Carla, Ruth, Evelyn, Barbara, Louise, Tiffany and Lois. They still deciding on which on the pick.

They already set up the crib in their room, using Pete and Eric's old one that Jen gifted them, saying all cribs are the same. It's kind of nice to think how Pete first slept in that crib and they're daughter was going too. The crib was set up on the right corner, window on its right, where the dresser was, and they'd eat up a changing pad on top of the dresser. They also moved the bed closer to the left corner where the door was so they could have room to walk to the crib and back.

They were ready for their little girl to come into the world.


Back to the present;

"One hundred!" Debbie exclaimed after holding her breath, "One hundred seconds!"

"That's my girl!" Gwen hive-fived her little sister as she, Pete and Carl were in the kitchen. Jimmy was there too, lost in his thoughts.

"You did great, Debs!" Pete praised her as he ruffled her hair, making her giggle, grinning up at him before turning to Jimmy.

"Jimmy, I can't do breakfast, set up for day care, and practice holding my breath all at the same time." Debbie said, frustrated.

Jimmy, coming back to reality, holds up his broken finger, "Oh, it's broken."

Pete scoffed, "Pussy."

"It's a finger, not your neck." Debbie told him as she started to set the table and turned to her brother, "Carl, can you set up for day care? I need to get to the pool at exactly 9:00 AM. It's opening day."

"I'm feeding Liam." Carl shrugged, making Debbie roll her eyes.

"Don't worry, Debs, I'll take over breakfast." Gwen offered.

"And I'll help set up for day care." Pete added as Molly came in.

"I can help." She raised her hand.

"Thanks, Gwen, Pete and Molly." Debbie thanked them and turned to Jimmy with a glare, "Okay, wipe down the exersaucers and teething toys, then check the nap-pads for head-lice and boogers." She instructed.

"I'm on it." Pete playfully saluted her, making her grin.

"That's a really pretty dress, Molly." Gwen complemented.

"It hides my girl penis." Molly smiled as she opened the back door. "Mom said it's impolite to show off my bulge." She went out through the door and Gwen and Pete looked at each other weirdly, wondering if they should tell Molly 'she's' a 'he', but maybe not, 'she's' too young to handle the truth.

Fiona came downstairs, "More coffee?" She asked Jimmy, who only held out his mug, Fiona signed them turned back to the stairs and yelled, "Lip, Ian, come down for a sec!" They came downstairs shortly after, Mandy following after.

"Okay, listen up, Gallaghers, Manning, and Milkoviches." Fiona started, "They're digging up the sewer main in a few days and shutting the water off, so we need to do laundry and dishes before hand." She announced.

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