But At Last Came a Knock

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It was nighttime in Chicago, but Debbe had Pete drive her to the Northside, and now they were sitting outside of some rich guy's house for some reason, Pete did not know of.

"Debs... what are we doing here?" Pete asked as they starred at the mansion.

"I can't tell you." Debbie simply said, making Pete turned to her, eyebrows furrowed.

"Debs, you have to tell me. You have me drive you all the way out here, so I think I deserve to know why." Pete told her.

"Okay, but you got to promise not to tell Fiona." Debbie held out her pinkie finger, and Pete took it in his own.

"I pinkie-promise not to tell Fiona. Now whose house is this?" Pete asked, turning back towards the mansion.

"I'm not sure.' Debbie answered, making Pete roll his eyes.

"Then why the hell are we here?" Pete asked, trying not to sound too annoyed or rude.

"Trying to find out if Steve's cheating." Debbie said, making Pete's eyes widen.

"What? You think Steven's cheating? I knew there was a reason I didn't like him." Pete said, muttering the last part to himself.

"Well, remember his text from Candace? And tell me that's not a woman's car parked out front." Debbie pointed towards the said car.

"Yeah, but I doubt it's our place to know, besides Fiona's a big girl. And she already knows about Candace." Pete told Debbie.

"Fiona takes care of everyone, but no one takes care of Fiona." Debbie told him, making Pete smile at her and pat her shoulder.

"You're a good sister, Debs. But, as much as me and GG don't like him, what's going on between Steven and Fiona is none of our business." Pete informed her, before turning back towards the house.

"Though I admit... It's obvious Steven isn't who he says he is. I mean, I don't remember him ever mentioning he's from Northside, or that his family's loaded. I mean, what's he doing on the Southside?" Pete questioned.

After a while, Pete decided it was getting late and drove him and Debbie back home.


Meanwhile, back at the Gallagher house, Gwen was sitting with Ian on his bed, while she waited for a boyfriend to come back from whatever Debbie dragged him into. She got a text saying he and Debbie were on their way home, so at least there okay, Gwen thought as she and Ian talked for a while, while sharing a cigarette. A few minutes later, Lip walks in with a book in his hand.

"Liam is officially asleep." He announced, as he carefully closed the door behind him.

"That was fast." Ian commented.

"Yeah, how'd you do that?" Gwen questioned.

"Three pages from Deb's Eat, Pray, Love, and he's fast asleep." Lip explained, as he sat down next to Gwen, as she sat in between him and Ian.

"And if James Franco want in the movie, I would've nodded off, too." Ian added, making them chuckle.

"I remember doing a book report on Eat, Pray, Love, in middle school. I fell asleep after the first chapter. I ended up getting D." Gwen smiled, as they continued to chuckle. 

"Wow, you lasted longer than Liam." Lip joked as he inhaled their shared cigarette, "Hey, you got any cash you can float me? Florece & the Machine are playing down at the Chiago Theater. I really want to take Karen for her birthday." Lip explained.

"Pricey gift." Ian commented.

"Yeah, you guys officially going out?" Gwen questioned.

"Fuck off. Shes' my best friend." Lip told them, while Gwen and Ian just chucked, "Okay? You know, I never spend that kind of cash on a girl anyway."

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