May I Trim Your Hedges?

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The next morning, Gwen woke up with her head on her boyfriend's bare chest, as her leg was lying on his thighs and her arms was around his chest. His arms were wrapped around her bare body as well, one of them resting on her baby bump. This made her smile softly. She didn't want to wake him up so she slowly and carefully moved out of his arms, got dressed and exited her room.

When she walked out into the halls, she was startled by Fiona who was also coming out of her own room.

"Morning." She greeted, quietly.

"Morning, think V's still downstairs?" Fiona asked, since Veronica stayed the night after telling Gwen that Kevin's ex-wife Cheryl showed up unannounced.

"I don't know." Gwen shrugged, "Let's go see."

She and Fiona linked arms as they walked downstairs together. There they found Veronica lying on the couch, eyes slightly open, dry tears under them.

"Hey." Fiona greeted.

"Hey." Veronica greeted back, quietly.

"Morning, V." Gwen came to her side and hugged her, "how'd you sleep?"

"Never fell asleep."

"Oh, I'm sorry to heart that." Gwen said, not really knowing what else to say to that.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked.

Gwen signed, "Still having trouble sleeping with this little kicker kicking em in the organs."

V chuckled lightly, "There's that smile!" Gwen smirked as Fiona came back in.

"Just go talk to him, V" Fiona signed as she sat at the end of the couch, next to V's feet.

"Yeah, it's not his fault the crazy ex-wife showed up out of nowhere." Gwen agreed.

"She's not his ex-wife, she's his wife." Veronica corrected, sadly, "And you should've seen his face when he saw her."

The three of them sit there for a moment, not saying anything.

"This house is so quiet." Veronica muttered.

Gwen and Fiona glanced at each other before nodding and shouting simultaneously, "Kids! Breakfast!"

"Jeez Fiona! Gwen!" Veronica swore as she flinched at their shouting.

"This shit is all in your head, V. This house ain't quiet. And she's not his wife. You are. Go talk to him." Fiona advised as she stood up and headed to the kitchen to prepare for the stampede as the kids started to rush downstairs for breakfast. Pete following behind them.

"You better have a good fucking reason to wake me up early." Pete said tiredly as he rubbed his eyes. His hair was a mess from sleeping, but still looked cute as ever, "Is someone sick or dead?"

Gwen chuckled, "No, baby, just proving a point to V, who says this house is quiet."

"Ahh." He said in understanding as he made himself some coffee and Gwen turned back to Veronica.

"Fiona's right, V. Kev loves you and he's never leave you for some crazy bitch." Gwen reassured her best friend before standing up, having to use the coffee table to do so, and jointing her siblings and boyfriend in the kitchen.


Later that day at the Gallagher house, after Fiona black mailed her new boss into letting her work without giving him a blowjob, Gwen was sitting next to Veronica at the kitchen counter, as Fiona stood in front of them. V was downing another shot of vodka as she told them about Kev and Cheryl situation.

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