Daddyz Girl

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It was morning at the Gallagher house. Gwen woke up with Pete's arm wrapped around her bare waist. she turned around to look at his sleeping face. Fuck, he is so handsome. Gwen thought as she continued to lay there, staring at her sleeping boyfriend, listening to his soft snores, until she felt his grip tighten, signaling her he was awake.

"You know, some people consider it creepy to stare at people while they sleep." Pete mumbled, not opening his eyes as he smirked. Gwen shook her head as she, playfully, pushed his face away, as his eyes slowly opened.

"Well, excuse me for admiring my boyfriend's handsome face." Gwen retorted, and Pete chuckled.

"Some people would find that even creeper." Pete chuckled, Gwen stare at him for a moment before playfully hitting his shoulder, chuckling.

"Shut up." Gwen chuckled.

"Make me." Pete retorted, making Gwen look at him.

"Make you?" "Make me, Gwinnie." "I will." "Come over and make me, then." The couple continued to playfully argue before Gwen finally shut her boyfriend up by kissing him on the lisp. They started to make out as Gwen started straddling his lap, grinding her hips against him, as his arms guide her hips through the motions. She could feel him getting hard under her. But just before things could get more heated, Debbie barged in without knocking.

"Debbie! You're supposed to knock!" Gwen exclaimed, as she and Pete covered themselves with the bed sheets, as Debbie stood by the door.

"Sorry, but Jimmy still hasn't told Fiona the truth." Debbie stated, not caring that she interrupted the young couple, or that they are not fully dressed.

"Still?" Pete questioned, and Debbie nodded.

"Of course, he hasn't." wen signed, throwing her head back in irritation.

"I'm worried I'm gonna crack and tell her before he does." Debbie informed them.

Gwen nodded, "I know it's hard for you to keep a secret, Debs. I mean, hell, I want to tell Fiona too. But, unfortunately, it's not our place to tell." She explained to her youngest sister.

"Yeah. I mean, even if you do tell her, we don't if she'll either be mad at him or us." Pete added. Debbie looked confused.

"Why would she be mad at us? We're the ones who told her the truth." Debbie questioned.

"Yeah, but you know how Fiona is." Gwen signed, "She might accuse us of snooping into... whatever it is going on between her and Jimmy."

Debbie nodded, "Oh... and snooping is bad, right?" The young couple nodded, "Got it. Thanks." And when Debbie was about to exit the room, Gwen called out, "And, please, close the door behind you!" Debbie did so, and the young couple decided to get out of bed and get dressed.

After doing so, they walked out into the hallway and saw Debbie and Fiona enter the boys' room and decided to join in.

"Stop downloading porn." They hear Fiona say as they walked into the room.

"Opps, busted." Lip said, dryly, as he sat with his laptop under his loft bed, while Ian laid on his back on his bed, throwing a ball around.

"What are you guys up too?" Gwen asked as she sat down on carl's bed and Pete stood by the door. Fiona was looking through the boys' dressers, searching for something to wear, it looked like.

"I'm looking for a sweater." Fiona said, as she moved to the closet.

"I can lend you one of mine." Gwen offered, and Fiona nodded, thanks.

"We're looking for homeboy's dad." Lip announced.

"He's looking for homeboy's dad." Ian corrected, as he and Gwen started passing the ball to each other.

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