Casey Casden

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"Debbie, can you please come in and eat your breakfast?" Gwen asked Debbie from the porch, as she played with Liam's old stroller on the sidewalk, "It's your turn in the shower."

"I want to play for a while." Debbie replied, as she continued to push the stroller around, as she walked on the sidewalk. "Ask Carl if he'll come out and get in the stroller."

"Debs, I hate to tell you this, but I'm pretty sure Carl won't eb able to fit in that." Gwen informed her, "But if you want to play with it, you play with Liam. It's his old stroller anyways."

"Good idea, thanks." Debbie smiled at her.

"No problem. But maybe later you can play, but right now you have to eat your breakfast and take a shower." Gwen told her, "Come on, let's get inside."

With that, Gwen went back inside the house and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Debbie followed after her.
Gwen entered the kitchen to find Lip, Ian and Pete crouched down next to the water heater, inspecting it.

"How's it going, boys?" Gwen asked them, as she took sat down at the table and started eating her breakfast.

"Not too good, babe. It's dead." Pete informed her, Fiona heard him and asked,

"Wh- You sure?"

"Uh-huh. The element's rusted out." Lip answered, still crouched down, looking at the water heater.

"Anyone wanna make cookies with me?" Debbie asked, randomly.

"I'll bake cookies with you, Debs." Gwen said, smiling at her, as she started smiling big.

"Really?" Debbie asked, excited. Gwen nodded.

"Of course, you'll have to take a shower after Carl though." Gwen reminded.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Debbie gave her a big hug, making Gwen giggle at her excitement.

"How much to replace it?" Fiona asked the boys, ignoring Debbie's question. While they talked about the water heater, Gwen stood up and started getting out everything they need to make cookies.

"Uh, two bills used, four new." Lip informed Fiona.

"Shit," Fiona muttered in frustration, as Pete stood up and went over to Gwen and Debbie.

"Mind if I help?" He asked them, making Debbie nod with excitement and clap her hands, while Gwen simply nodded, smiling.

"Actually, can we make pie instead?" Debbie asked Gwen and Pete, who nodded, "Great! I'll get started on the crust."

"And I'll--," Gwen started as Pete took out a pic pan but was interrupted by Fiona.

"No, no! No pie! You're supposed to get her into the shower!" Fiona told Gwen, in a stern tone.

"Sorry, but she wanted to make pie, and I figured 'why not?' Debbie could go in after Carl." Gwen explained, but Fiona ignored her and turned to Debbie.

"Go." She instructed her.

"But-- I. Wanna. Make. Pie," Debbie whined, but Fiona ignored her, and Gwen mouthed 'sorry' to her as she and Pete put everything away. Lip and Ian were seated at the table.

"You know what? Hand me the obits. Maybe, uh, we can scrounge a dead person's water heater." Lip suggested, returning to their original conversation. Fiona handed the newspaper to him, "Thank you."

"Oh. Mrs. Dombrowski." Lip read out loud, looking down at the newspaper.

"Oh, the, uh, shaky-neck lady?" Ian asked, looking at Lip.

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