07.2 - Emptiness

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( Ep07 : Heartache ~ Ch07.2 - Emptiness )



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°• August 10th
   02:58 am
   Gotham City - Wayne Manor •°

The first thing Davina felt , was cold . The girl was Shivering . It was Then that she also noticed the Soft mattress she was laid on .
The Queen girl wasn't fully conscious . The soft Covers she was unknowingly holding onto for dear warmth , Shifted Slightly and was brought up to her neck . She didn't know who it was but the girl knew She'd jump and hug the person under better circumstances . a fade conversation passed through her ears but she couldn't comprehend it .

She was feeling a little more aware and tried to move a bit but her body wasn't in her command , she didn't feel numb but drained of Energy , so tired to move a mussel , The girl couldn't even open her eyes . Memories Flew back into her . Cheshire .. her mother and ... her father , her biological father in fact .

Davina mentally cursed , how stupid could she be !? She was terrified of having another assassin's blood and not only that her true father was not an assassin but also a hero . Perhaps she felt it was unfair . Unfair that how many times she cried alone , afraid of her future self , when there could be someone reminding her she wasn't a demon , She wasn't Destined to become one either just because of who she was born from .

Of course Dinah & Oliver had always tried their best , so she wouldn't feel that way , but ... They didn't really understand how it felt . At that moment , She didn't even have enough energy to Care Where She was .

a single tear found its way out of her closed eye .
Much to her confusion , a thumb whipped it away Softly and a deep familiar voice followed , Cooing her to calm down . " Shh .. it's okay . You're gonna be Alright , nothing's gonna hurt you now . "

she felt a hand , Slowly Strocking her hair . She didn't have the strength to even think of where she had heard the voice or who did it belong to , but she believed the words regardless , she needed to believe those words .

The calm returned to the girl and she found herself falling asleep once again . a more Comfortable & less exhausting sleep .

Bruce let out a relieved sigh when he noticed the tension left the young girl and her breathing got even , she was now Sleeping Calmer . 

" I take that as a good start . " The Elder man commented as he walked in . Bruce gave out a humorless Chuckle and shook his head .

" I'm not even close to that , alfred . " He Sighed " I've already lost so many Chances " the raven haired man said .

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