06.3 - Bitch Vs Bitch

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Beside the road , 10 Miles from Starling City , Stood a Figure . a blonde woman , no more than 28 years old . Wearing a tight Black Shirt , Jeans of same colour and a White Jacket on her shirt as She Leaned on her Car , Awaiting Something ... or rather Someone .

From time to time the woman would Glance inside of her Vehicle , as if she was Checking on something .

Her Attention then turned towards the Car that pulled Over . She Stared at the Driver who got out of the Car and Spoke up .

" Took you Long enough . " the Blondie said with a blank Look .

" Well I'm sorry , I had to reschedule since I wasn't expecting my little sister who haven't visited or called , to Suddenly Demand an Audience for God knows what . "
Dinah Lance Replied to her Sister Disapprovingly . She was really happy and relieved to see her little sister again , but the 32 year old woman was pissed .

No calls , no letters , no emails , no visits ... literally nothing after she disappeared 8 years ago only leaving a note . Sarah Lance had specified in the said note , that she didn't want to be followed which of course her sister didn't give a damn and kept looking .

After 4 years Sarah Exhausted of her stubborn Sister , had no choice but to at least send a notice that she was alive as she hoped Dinah would Give up .

The young Dinah wouldn't just Give in willingly , she did though , after a talk with their mother -which wasn't easy at all- . Dinah Drake was truly heartbroken But she knew there was nothing they could do to bring her back not unless she wanted to be back . Sarah was her youngest and probably the One with the hardest Head , the impulsive Sister . Dinah Lance on the other hand , as stubborn as she was , it was still easier to reason with her .

the now reunited sisters were in engaged in a heated Conversation , not an argument though , suprisingly .

Dinah Clearly wasn't Thrilled with her sister's Words , and for the first time in years Sarah Lance talked .. Sheepishly ?

But their Talk was stopped as Sarah's Car door Suddenly Opened and Dinah Just Stood there Frozen at what she saw ... who she saw .
Sarah also got Caught of Guard , since she had not yet reach to that Topic .

a tiny figure with Blonde hair Identical to both woman who were standing there , walked out of the car and closed the door as She yawned and rubbed her Silvery Blue Orbs . the girl looked to be 5 or 6 at the best as Dinah Thought to herself , the Resemblance was uncanny and if the Hero of StarCity could have any doubts , it would've vanished the moment that the little adorable girl spoke up .

" Mommy .. are we there yet ? I wanna go see Vivi . " the little one , completely oblivious to the other person who stood there since she just Woke up .

the cute little girl melted Dinah's heart , she felt as if she was looking at her Sister when they were both so young to have any care in the world .
a 6 year old Sarah who would always trail behind her older sister and mimicked everything the 10 year old Girl did . Making the little Dinah Overjoyed and proud to be someone that her baby sister would Looked up to .

The child then looked up , noticing her aunt whom she had never met .
" Who's Tis ? " little girl asked while Dinah was still speechless , the kid tilted her head Sweetly and Continued . " She's Really Pretty . "

a Chuckle was all that Dinah could get it out of her mouth , causing the little one to blush . Sarah hurriedly Crouched down to her daughter .

" Sweetie , I told you not to come out without your hoodie , you'll catch a cold . " Sarah might've been Scolding her kid but her tone was so soft and warm that it didn't sound like it .

Little Bird Over The Moon - Young justice/PjoHoo Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora