05 - Schooled

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The 13 year old sat on the Kitchen table , nervously poking her plate .
She would Steal a glance or two of her blonde mother sitting Across from her on the table , Calmly enjoying her Lunch , a couple of weeks after the whole Mr twister fiasco and their 1st mission to Santa prisca .

Oliver on the other hand had an odd look on his face , Davina Couldn't decide he was Nervous or Eager to see how this is gonna go , though Considering their Conversation after breakfast , he was most likely Both .
And he really was , though not for the reason she thought .


" Come on Dad !! it's only a few hours ."

Oliver Sighed heavily .

" Well Sweetie you Really Should've Thought of it Before the stunts You pulled last week and the week before that , besides You know how Dinah Feels about Kaitlyn ."
And by that stunt he would mean The Cadmus Incident , Her Sneaking Out with Zee and getting caught at an illegal car race by her grandpa , the head of SCPD - starling City police department - , she thankfully wasn't Driving herself , just watching ,but still didn't help much.

She had almost forgotten what a mess that night was .
father of Dinah Lance Adored his Granddaughter , and she was lucky for that since she knew it wouldn't have ended Easily if she was just Oliver's daughter .

The older man hated her father with a passion believing him not good enough for his Daughter and now was terribly concerned of his Grandkid taking up her father's troubling Habits when he was her age . After Calling The Queen man , he Had to hear an earful from his Girlfriend's Father before returning the gesture to his own Daughter , he didn't ground her though , knowing Dinah would most likely do a better job at that .

Sometimes he forgot this was not his biological kid and that Dinah hadn't actually given birth to her as everyone In the world were convinced that she did , and also convinced Davina was his and Dinah's daughter that they had kept from the media for a few years instead of her being adopted by them . but that didn't matter , this was HIS Daughter . He named & Raised her since she a one year old toddler , nothing would change that , EVER .

And now with her Dyed blonde hair , cheeky Attitude and smart mouth she was practically a mini Dinah , bossing everyone around except Dinah herself , combined with a creativity in Rebellious teen Activity she got from Him , the las part was his worst nightmare .

The teenager rolled her eyes and insisted .
" AND that is why I'm asking you to talk to her . "

The man only looked at her Blankly .
" you really think that would change her mind , Darling Have you ever met your mother !? "

Nope , definitely not , he was right . not for one sec Davina would believe he could change the older woman's mind . But that didn't mean she wanted to just give it up .

" Uh , then -- How about I sneak out and you pretend you had no idea ? "

The Billionaire Groaned inwardly . Pinching the bridge of his nose and exhaling , the last time they tried this trick , in his attempt to be the cool parent ... well.. let's just say it did not end well having to face his Girlfriend's wrath .

" Davina my dear , Dinah is an Independent , Admiring woman , with very Strong opinions , And She would HAVE MY HEAD if you do that . So please , for the sake of this poor father , Either leave it be or Gather the courage to ask permission for yourself . "

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