05.2 - Schooled II

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among the Trees , Beside the Highway Road , Stood the Figures of 6 Leaguers , beside the Trucks Containing the parts of the deadly Android .
and eventually by Batman's Signal , the Cars were ready to move . So were the 6 members of the team who now were in disguise , dressed in riding outfits on Bikes , waiting for their Cue .

The Team was separated in two squads . Aqualad , Miss Martian and Kid Flash rode together , While Robin , Superboy and BlueWren trailed behind the other one .

Both 13 year olds were completely aware of their teammate's tensed posture , during the first awkward 10 minutes of ride , the young proteges were drowned in their heads by the Waves of thoughts .

Wren recalled her last minute conversation with Canary . Canary had once reminded the girl of not using her Powers -with the exception of her Sonic Scream- , Unless it involved saving the life of her teammates or herself .

Meanwhile Robin was inwardly frustrated . The bird boy had spent 2 weeks , Searching his fellow bird teammate , only to lead him back where he started .

Of course Robin knew Bluewren's Secret Id now , Davina Queen was the Daughter of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance -or GreenArrow & BlackCanary in other words- .
That much he didn't need to search it out , since the girl introduced herself as such . Robin knew of GA's identity through Roy though , and he definitely knew Vina Queen , but he Never thought Wren to be the Queen girl .. the girl

It made more sense now . the first ever female protege , never really hung out with the other proteges except a few times Roy brought her along and the Shy Birdie didn't interact much with them , but suprisingly Kidflash didn't count .
BlueWren being Davina Queen , probably intrigued him more his Curiosity of her powers or how she got them . 

For someone who has known Wally for quite a considerable amount of time , Robin was shocked at seeing his friend to see a girl and not flirt , the poor boy didn't even know that was possible . At first he thought maybe Wally didn't make any move because of the older Redhead boy , since the Teen Archer was Hella protective as Robin had gathered in those few Meetings .

But now ever since the young heros spent more time together at the cave , Robin noticed a close relationship between the Speedster and the blue Bird .
Davina always seemed obviously more comfortable around the team , when Wally was present . She Talked more , laughed easier and clearly enjoyed her time better .

It kinda Stung the bird boy for reasons he had no idea of . He really tried hard in building a friendship with the named girl until now , and it proved way harder than it seemed .

The girl wasn't just shy .. no in fact she wasn't even shy that . She never had any problem in voicing her opinions when it was needed , or taking her revenge from someone who stole her Ice cream ( yes it was Wally) , she was just .. Closed off .

Wren obviously was all friendly around the Martian girl as well , even met the girl before others . But the observer Bird boy noticed just how much the girl still didn't let on , She was simply trying to make the newly arrived Martian , feel Welcomed instead of lonely .

But the Real matter that hadn't left his head , and probably flicked the idea of his research , was during their incident at cadmus .
The girl disappeared , She Literally disappeared , right infront of his eyes . and it wasn't the same as Miss M's invisibility , it was hard for him to explain , as if she just faded into air ... like she was never there in the first place , like she was just an illusion made in his own mind .

and there was also her strange reaction to the whole facility , apparently the energy that was generated from the genomorphs was affecting her in a sickening way .
Not mention her resistance to megan's Psychic ability for the first time . In the fight with Mr. Twister , Wren wasn't involved in their Psychic Link , created by the Martian .
In Order to prevent any possible damage that might happen to any of the girls .
Though evidently the bird girl had figured something out , Considering there was no problems between the girls and the blonde girl was connected to the others through the Psychic link on their mission in Santa prisca . 

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