01- poetic justice

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~Independence Day

" Are you Sure This is a good idea ? "
The Blonde Woman Questioned for the 12th Time Since Breakfast , As She Looked up From her Coffee To the Man Seated in front of her on the Dinning Table , Anxiety written all over her Face .
" It'll be Fine Dinah , I told you there is Nothing to worry about , All of their Activities would be Under the League's Supervisory , and Covert in case She Finds the Need to use her Powers . "

She still Seemed Hesitant .

" Besides Roy is gonna be There With her , You Know how he gets when it Comes to her Saftey . "

Dinah Seemed more relaxed at that statement .
yeah , Roy is gonna look out for her .

She Also believed if it came to that She is More than capable to defend herself .
Though Still the worry remained within her , She was A mother after all .

The Couple's Attention Was Stolen by the Sound of Laughter descending from the Stairs of the Manor , Bringing Smiles to their Faces .




And With that a panting , almost 13 year old Ran into the Kitchen , sheltering behind Her number 1 fan , Oliver Queen , her girl dad of a father .
And soon after , she was followed by a redhead teen .

" Davina , give it back . " Roy Harper Glared with a Warning .

" no way , I won , it's mine now . " The Stubborn Young girl Exclaimed .

" You don't even Need it ! You're not coming today to the hall of justice at all . " The boy Exclaimed rather frustrated.

" Care to explain what the hell is going on now ? " the older blonde man Almost Sound Whining before Correcting himself .

" OLLIE !!! "
his Beloved Glared with a Warning .

" Sorry sorry , I mean what's the problem now ? "

The teenage archer was first to Start .

The Accused little Criminal was quick to fire back .
" NO ! I WON THE BET , you said I could have anything I wanted . "

" yeah , and you just had to go for That one . "

A Sly Smirk found its way to the young teen's Face as Dinah cut into their Bickering with a Question .

" Roy , why don't you just replace it with another mask from the Cave ?"

" Yeah Roy , what is so special about This one ? Please enlighten us ."

Little Bird Over The Moon - Young justice/PjoHoo Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora