PART 19: Weirdest

Start from the beginning

"I took a chance on you, Louis," I continued, my voice low and dangerous. "Not because you had experience or qualifications but because War asked me to. He heard about your situation, about how you needed this job to take care of your sick mother. He saw something in you. And I trusted his judgment. But now..." My voice trailed off, the weight of disappointment heavy in the room.

Louis's gaze fixed on the floor as he struggled to meet my eyes. "I...I'm sorry, Mr. President," he uttered.

"Apologies won't undo the damage you have caused," I snapped. "You have jeopardized more than just your job with your actions. You have jeopardized the trust and respect of someone who means everything to me."

"Mr. President, I-"

"Mark my words, Louis. I didn't fire you because War asked me not to," I stated firmly. He believes in giving people second chances, even when they don't deserve them. If you ever lay a hand on my boyfriend again or disrespect him in any way, you will find yourself out on the street faster than you can say 'unemployment'."

Louis swallowed hard. "I...I understand, Mr. President. I apologize for my behavior," he uttered.

"I expect you to apologize to my boyfriend when you see him," I instructed. "Your behavior was unacceptable and he deserves an apology. Remember, War is not to be treated lightly."

Louis nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Mr. President. I-I will apologize to Mr. War," he affirmed.

"Good," I replied shortly. "Now, go. The longer you linger here, the more tempted I am to reconsider my decision."

"O-Okay, Mr. President." Louis quickly complied, practically scurrying back to his workspace. As he disappeared from view, I let out a frustrated sigh.

Damn it. His stupid behavior really tested the boundaries of my patience. If there was one thing I refused to tolerate, it was anyone threatening the well-being of the person I loved most in this world.


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As I immersed myself in my work, I felt a presence approaching my desk. Glancing up, I was surprised to see Bomm standing there, holding two cups of steaming coffee, one for me and one for Peat.

"Hey, um... I brought you guys some coffee," Bomm mumbled awkwardly, setting the cups down on our table with a hesitant gesture.

I exchanged a puzzled look with Peat, both of us taken aback by Bomm's unexpected gesture. I mean, it wasn't often that Bomm went out of his way to do something nice, especially without some ulterior motive.

"Uh, thanks, Bomm," Peat replied, his tone tinged with uncertainty as he accepted the cup of coffee.

Bomm cleared his throat awkwardly, his eyes darting around as if he couldn't quite meet our gaze. "Um, I, uh, wanted to say something, War," he began, his voice wavering slightly.

I raised an eyebrow, exchanging a puzzled look with Peat. "Yeah?" I prompted.

Bomm shuffled his feet nervously, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Look, about the whole bracelet thing...I, uh, I'm sorry," he stammered, his words coming out in a rush.

I blinked in surprise, struggling to process Bomm's sudden change in demeanor. This was the same guy who had been gloating about his bracelet just a minute ago.

"Well, you know...for, uh, assuming things," Bomm muttered awkwardly, his words trailing off into an uneasy silence.

Again, I exchanged a confusion glance with Peat, both of us struggling to make sense of Bomm's hasty apology. It was as if he was a completely different person and the whole situation was starting to feel downright bizarre.

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