track and field + cross country

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summary: this is another part to the mini series! This is a double sport combo because yes I know there are different events in track and field, but I'm just doing to do a combination of everything!
triggers: throwing up
request: yes and by l0wk3y2006

•Let's get into it•

- goes to all of your meets (event the freezing outdoor ones)

- buys you new ribbon colors to put into your hair (that's what all of my friends do

- takes you out to dinner afterwards

- brings you your favorite flowers

- his mom had a custom made blanket created for you during cold meets or meets in general

- cheers you on during your events

- will and does laugh if you fall but then gets worried if you don't get up

- Doesn't always understand your events

- will practice with you during the summer while running around the neighborhood with you

- I know that sometimes you throw up at the end of a race and like I've seen people collapse!?! So he's there if that ever happens to you

- tells you that he's proud of you no matter how good or bad you do

- let's you rant after practices

- texts you good luck before

- if he can't hang out while you are waiting (normally you can but not always) he will FaceTime/call you or text you

The end!

a/n: I hope that you enjoyed!!

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