-9-a day out on the lake- pt1

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summary: you and your family are hanging out with Walker and his family at the lake! You both are dating in this one, well you'll see!!

🎀 Let's get into it 🎀

Me and Walker are on a date right now. We are eat this fancy restaurant and we both decided to order chicken strips and french fries.

Yes, we are both 14, and yes we did order it. However we did have a bunch of appetizers though so we made up for it.

"you know Walker," I start, "I think that your family and my family should go up to the lake sometime" I finish, taking a sip of my drink.

"I love that idea!" He says happily eating the rest of his fries, "what abouttttt next week? There is no filming going on because now they are just editing"

"I'll have to ask but yeah", I start, "um also, when are we going to tell everyone that we are dating? I mean, like the public?" I ask him, but not looking at him.

"how about" he starts to think, "we tell them a little bit after the lake trip? Because then we can be with our family, and maybe some of our friends. Get some last bit of peace and quiet before everyone knows?" he asks, looking at me for confirmation.

"yeah walk, that sounds good to me" I smile at him, while he puts his hand on mine.

After we paid for our diner he walks me home. We can't hold hands or anything like that in public, which makes me sad, but soon we won't have to worry.

I love being with Walker, we've been friends our whole lives, and he's my safe space and I'm his. He is funny, kind, caring, and is just himself.

I hope he loves being with me though, sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for Walker. He knows when I get like this though, and always reassures me that I'm more than enough.

When I get home the first thing that I do is ask my parents if we can go to the lake with Walker's family, our family, and then some of our friends.

Them being the best parents said yes, and that they would have to check with Walker's parents and then whoever else we want to bring with us. But for the most part and on our end yes!!

Walker Talker 🤍

Hey! My parents said yes, but to check with your family and then whoever else comes with us parent's

LETS GO! My parents also said nexttttt 🤪🤪

WOWOW, who do we want to invite??

ooo what about two of your friends and two of mine??

yesss I love that, still up for nightly face time??

do you miss my face that much? I mean I know I'm pretty, butttt

fine. we don't have to do it.
read 11:37

incoming FaceTime call from Walker Talker 🤍

"babeeeee" he thinks that he can sweet talk his way out of this shit.

I ignore him, not wanting to give up my "grudge"

"y/nnnnnnn" he says again this time actually saying my name.

I make my phone face the ceiling and go on mute because I start to laugh.

"y/n/nnnnn" he says in a singing voice getting more annoyed with me

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