sports- sideline cheer

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summary: this is apart of the sport mini series!
request: yes and by loveydoveys222

•let's get into it•

- goes to all the games he possibly can (during basketball season there are so many 😭😭)

- brings you flowers during big games and or it's random

- brings you Starbucks/fav drink place during halftime to get you through

- gets you cold water from the concession stands for hot games and hot coco for cold games

- takes you out to get food after games

- his family all tags along because they love to watch you cheer and obviously the football

- will record all of the stunts that you are in

- when you guys hang out before a game or practice he helps you go over game plan

- he will also tell you whether or not your motions and jumps look good

- will stand up and shout back whatever you guys are cheering

- is always confused on how you have so many bruises

- lets you cry after a bad practice or bad game and comforts you

- learns how to do co-ed stunts for fun in the pool with you

- helps you with tumbling by spotting and giving you tips

the end!

a/n: hope you enjoyed!!

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