sport mini series

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Hello everyone from here down will be the sport mini series!

A bit of back story to this is I feel like there are never a good representation of sports and so me and my friends that play these sports will take requests and what/how we think Walker would be with them.

When this is posted I already have a lot posted, but I just wanted to make a like thingy for it! I hope you guys enjoy! Also I have not played most of these sports.

However I've been to enough games/events to know basically everything about it and if I haven't really heard about the sport you request then I will look it up and see what all I can figure out about your sport OR club!

For me this also helps me learn more information about a sport or club that I don't know much about.

I do have to let you know that some things will be repeated, but it's because it is basic things and if we are talking about a person as a whole then it will be pretty consistent!

thank you all!

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