sports(club)- muscial theatre

426 10 10

summary: this is another part of the sport and in this case club mini series!
triggers: none
request: yes and by augustineorchids

•let's get into it•

- would help you memorize your lines

- he would help you get everything ready for your auditions

- is at every single show with flowers

- sneaks in food if the place you are at doesn't allow food

- asks you to put stage makeup on him as a joke

- would make you tea for when your voice is dying and knows exactly what to do for it because he's been acting for forever and knows what works

- helps you with pre-show/audition jitters by giving you a lot of hugs

- he gives the best pep talks before you go on stage

- texts you before about how great you'll do

- takes you to musicals and diner afterwards

- will introduce you to all of his acting friends while you are fan-girling

the end!

a/n: hope you guys liked it!! sideline cheer is next!!

Walker Scobell One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें