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summary: head cannon with Walker about you surfing! this is apart of the sport mini series
triggers: none!
request: yes and by @valentineeeeeeeelol!!

•let's get into it•

- would be surprised that you do it because it's not a popular thing (should be though)

- travels with you to different competitions

- brings you flowers every time he goes and if he can't go he has someone deliver them to you

- will watch film back with you

- good luck kisses

- will order food before you go out so it's almost there when you are done so you won't have to wait a long time

- thinks that wetsuits are like seal skins but for human

- nicknames you seal as a joke during competition season

- always asking you to teach him how to surf (ends in him eating it every time)

- will sit on the beach and admire you doing the sport you love

- tells everyone that you surf because he's so proud of you

- always has an extra towel on him with his last name on it so others know that when you're using it that's you are his

- wears a t-shirt with a shark on the front and on the back it says "#teamy/n"

- when you guys have sleep overs he lets you bring your boards because he lives closer to the beach

- going off of that one ^ he will get up before you (surprising right?) and make you your favorite drink or walks/Ubers to go get you one

- will take naps with you after a long day of surfing

the end!

Walker Scobell One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now