-23- "let's not continue this"

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summary: Walker catches you vaping
request: yes but asked to stay anonymous
triggers: vaping, crying, relapse, etc.

🎀let's get into it🎀


I know I shouldn't vape, trust me I know, but I can't stop. I mean I've tried, ok? I really have.

And I can't even tell you why I even started in the first place, maybe it was because I was anxious?

maybe because I was peer pressured into it and once I did it that pressure went away?

whatever the reason maybe, I can't stop. no matter how hard I genuinely try.

I was sitting in my room feeling extremely overwhelmed, because I felt like I was meant to do something and forgot. Which happens a lot and I didn't forget anything it's just my anxiety.

But this time I don't think it was my anxiety

"y/n? what are you fucking doing?" Walker says as he walking in as I was in the middle of breathing in, "is that a vape?!"

"Walker stop yelling!" I tell him, feeling my chest get tight.

"Then stop! Put it down and walk away," he says and I go to say something, "and don't use your words, please." He says making his voice softer this time.

I slowly place the vape down with shaky hands, with my eyes full of sadness and tears, but my heart shattered in pieces at the fact that I disappointed him, he didn't say it, because he didn't need to say it.

He holds his arms out for a hug, and I gratefully take the hug.

"y/n, I want you to tell me why you were vaping..." he says whilst holding me,

"I don't know, I can't tell you" I say starting to cry.

"yes, yes you can," he says and walks us over to my bed and sits us down, "just tell me when this all started, that's all I'm asking."

"ok." I say and take a deep breath, "maybe 8 months ago? I was with some friends of a friend, and we were all hanging out. And well this was after my friend left, so it was awkward and they started to pull out vapes." I say and look at him, "and they asked me if I did, and I said no and that I wasn't trying to. And I wasn't trying to, but they 'made' me. I mean I know it's my choice, I just didn't want to seem weak." I tell him

After a few moments of awkward silence that could kill someone, he speaks up.

"let's not continue this" he says, "we are going to break the vapes, or do whatever to get rid of them. I'll help you stop, but only if you want, and you have to be willing. Otherwise there's no point." He says getting up and walking around, "but no matter what you do, I'm here for you always..."

"ok, thank you walk, and I want to. And I know that I have an addiction, and I'm sorry" I say starting to cry again, just because I feel guilty.

"hey it's ok, don't cry, I know you feel bad, but how about we stop that," he says wiping my tears away, "now can you help me find all of the vapes?" he softly asks me.

"yeah" I whisper, barely noticeable.

"ok... we'll get through this, you'll get through this." he says...

3 months later:

It's been a few months since Walker caught me vaping, which I haven't since.

Sometimes I think about doing it, but I just know I can't. I might've relapsed a few times, but that's apart of healing.

The most important thing that I've learned is that you can't give up no matter what.

Even when you're lost in the darkness look for the light. And for me my light is Walker.

The end!

a/n: I hope you enjoyed! I'm in NO WAY, saying that vaping is the solution, but I'm ALWAYS saying that there is light in this, and that it will get better. If this crosses a boundary I will take down. thank you all!!

word count: 690

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