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summary: another part of mini series
triggers: none
request: yes and by basketballhasmyheart

•let's get into it•

- flowers, flowers, flowers

- jokes around and says that he's better than you, but when you 1v1 let's just say he never wins

- is the loudest person in the crowd

- gets INTO the games

- he yells all the time and got kicked out of a game once for everything that he was yelling at the refs

- he watches film with you and will take notes (for himself)

- he films you doing stuff and once got a really cool action shot of you (which is his home screen)

- makes signs for you when there is a big game

- let's you cry and rant with him after a game or practice

- loves to look at new basketball shoes with you (he secretly has a like thing for the shoes that you said you would want, just yk in case)

- will watch all WBA games it's with you

- once bought you really good tickets (like sideline?) for your favorite teams game

- he is always worried that you'll get really hurt at games

- I think that his parents would be DECKED out in your teams color during the games they go to

- loves to shout "that's my girl" after you make a basket

a/n: no more parts for tonight! however there will be a new one shot tomorrow!! love you all and goodnight

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