-20-easter egg hunt

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summary: in honor of Easter here is a short story of you and your boyfriend Walker going on a Easter egg hunt!
triggers: none
request: nope!

🎀let's get into it🎀

Today is Easter, which means that it's the day Jesus has risen!!! Which means I get to really dress up for church!!!

Today is Easter, which means that it's the day Jesus has risen!!! Which means I get to really dress up for church!!!

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  This is the outfit that I put on!! (Tbh it's cute ngl). With some gold hoop earrings and a gold necklace W that Walker got me when we first started dating!

I curl my hair and do a light glowy makeup look, then do the last finishing touches. After that I head downstairs, make a quick breakfast, and then the family is off to church!

As soon as we get to church I head to Sunday school, I'm helping out this week, and set up the room for the lesson.

Time skip to after church:

After a fun morning of teaching kids about Jesus, my family and I meet up with Walker's family at their house for the annual Easter egg hunt. And yes I am participating in it, even Leena is soooo.

"hey girl!!" Leena says giving me a tight hug.

"hey!! Oh my you look so pretty!!!" I compliment her, and also returning the hug.

"are you ready for the Easter egg hunt?" I hear someone shout behind me.

"yeah, I mean are you ready to lose" I say giving Tanner a fist bump.

"no I'm definitely winning this year!!" he says laughing at me

"did you say that last year?" I hear Walker ask as he walks up to me and pulls me into a bear hug.

"Walker my earrings you're going to accidentally rip them outttt" I say giving him a hug but then going to protect my ears from harm

"sorry sorry, but can we talk about how pretty you look??" He says which makes me laugh.

"aw thanks walk! you also look really good!!" I say with a smile on my face, then it drops, "but you're still going to lose today".

"no I'm not, I'll win" he says giving me a joking shove backward.

"SEE! That right there is why I'll win again this year" I say

"okay just because you have a three year streak doesn't mean anything." He says with a sassy tone.

"Yeah, yeah it does" leena says butting into the conversation as we walk to grab food.

"oh hello sweetheart!" Walker's mom says walking over to give me a hug.

"hi heather!" I say as I receive a hug, she gives the best hugs btw.

"are you ready for the hunt?" she asks as she passes me a plate.

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