-8-passed out

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Thank you to @unkown1234sp.  for the suggestion!! quick a/n: y/f/f/f= your favorite fast food

  for the suggestion!! quick a/n: y/f/f/f= your favorite fast food

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🎀 Let's get into it 🎀

I woke up today and knew that something was off. I haven't felt good the past couple of days during filming, but today I just was really struggling.

We were filming the last scene of the day for one of the Percy Jackson episodes, and I started to get really light headed. Maybe it's because I had to skip lunch, and breakfast...

"okay guys! we are going to do that scene one more time, and I know we are getting tired so let's make it the last one!" The director tells us as we get set back up.

"hey y/n are you okay?" my makeup/hair person, Hannah, asks me.

"yeah, yeah I'm okay!" I say sighing but putting a smile on my face to hide the fact that I'm getting more dizzy.

"andddd action"

*time skip to after the like part because idk what I'm doing 😘😘*

okay okay. I tell my self, it's okay breathe, that scene was tuff, but it's over now. And you can go rest and maybe eat something.

after I catch my breath they dismiss all of us to go back to our trailers to chill and then head back to the trailer after our meeting.

"hey! y/n, wait up" I hear Walker shout as he walks toward me.

"hey walk... what's up, everything alright?" I ask, hoping he can't tell how tired I look and sound.

"yeah- I'm okay, but my question is are you okay?Want to go back to my trailer?" he asks with concern in his eyes searching over my body looking for any signs that I'm not ok.

hoping he can't see through me, I respond like a normally do, "yeah I'm okay, just tired is all! and yeah let's go" I say following him to his trailer.

when we finally get to his trailer we are just laying there on our phones, just relaxing. Until decide to get up to get some water.

now that I should've not done, because as I go to stand up I get really light headed so I put my arm on the wall to balance myself.

But it doesn't help like  it normally would, this time I feel my face get really hot, my vision starts to get really bright and vibrant. Then it gets dark, and it gets dark fast, I feel my knees go weak.

I can hear shouting around me, and I see the look on Walker's face and then I feel myself collapse.

Walker's POV:

The whole time when we were filming y/n looked off, but only when we weren't acting and I didn't get a chance to say anything until after we got done filming.

"hey! y/n, wait up" I shout to y/n getting her to stop walking

"hey walk... what's up, everything alright?" She says, and I can hear the tiredness in her voice as she speaks.

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