|ᴡᴇᴅᴅɪɴɢ ɴɪɢʜᴛ| Makarov x Reader

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You and Makarov decide that the time has come to get married and make your relationship official, and your wedding night will not be one to forget.


(Author's note:  Hey there, everyone! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I don't speak Russian, but I've found some words online that I'm using. If any of them are off, I apologize, and I'm totally open to making corrections if you can provide the right version! Thanks!)

You knew deep down that the path you treaded wasn't a stroll through roses. It meant bidding farewell to your family, your friends, and the comforting familiarity of your old life, all in the name of love. A love that society deemed forbidden, a love that wasn't supposed to blossom.

For years now, you've walked hand in hand with danger, your companion being none other than the notorious Makarov. Yet, despite the peril lurking in every shadow, every corner, every heartbeat, it was all worth it. Worth it because of the depth of your affection, the kind that transcends reason, defies logic, and thrives in the darkest of times. He loved you in his own enigmatic, impenetrable way, and that was enough.

From the very genesis of your union, life took a drastic turn. Swift departures, leaving behind the familiar scent of home, embracing uncertainty, embarking on a journey where each step was shrouded in secrecy. Makarov, ever the protector, whisked you away to a safe haven, cloaked from prying eyes, shielded from the relentless pursuit of those who sought to tear you apart. His love manifested in covert operations to safeguard your existence, knowing all too well that merely being associated with him painted a bullseye on your back.

Yet, amid the whispers of danger and the looming specter of uncertainty, love blossomed like a resilient flower in the cracked pavement. You knew, with every fiber of your being, that Makarov was the one. His love was an ocean, vast and untamed, swallowing you whole yet leaving you breathless, yearning for more.

So, with resolve as firm as the earth beneath your feet, you made a decision. A decision to defy the odds, to cast aside the shadows of fear and uncertainty. You would take the leap, extend your hand, and ask Makarov to walk the path of eternity with you. Because in a world fraught with chaos and uncertainty, one thing remained crystal clear – you wanted him by your side, now and forever.

As you took a moment to steady your nerves, he nodded, accepting your proposal. And now, here you are, transported back to that pivotal moment.

The safe house – your sanctuary, your haven of love, the only place where your hearts beat freely without the weight of the world pressing down. Every detail meticulously arranged: the crackling fireplace casting dancing shadows, the moonlight filtering through the windows like a gentle caress, and the stars adorning the sky like scattered jewels. And to add a touch of romance, delicate rose petals strewn across the room, a testament to your affection.

It wasn't the grand wedding you had once imagined; just the two of you, cocooned in the intimacy of your shared love nest. No guests, no officiants, only the silent witness of the walls around you. It was Makarov's idea – to exchange vows in secrecy, to formalize your union without inviting unwanted attention. A clandestine ceremony to bind your souls together, away from prying eyes.

As Makarov draws nearer, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moonlight and the gentle warmth of the fire, his expression is solemn, his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that sends shivers down your spine. His voice, barely above a whisper, cuts through the hushed atmosphere like a blade of grass swaying in the wind.

𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚞𝚝𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now