|ᴅᴀᴅ'ꜱ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ| John Price x Reader p.2

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(Author's note: Hey there, lovely folks! Before you dive into this read, I wanted to give you a heads-up: I may have gotten a tad carried away and ended up writing around 15462 words. Oopsie!But hey, if you're up for it, I'd be thrilled to whip up a part 3! What do you say? Would you be interested? Let me know! ✨)

As you had foreseen with a heavy heart, the days following your meeting with Price weighed upon you like a burden, dragging on endlessly. Each moment felt like an eternity, as if time conspired to keep you and Price apart. It was pure agony, an emotional torment, yearning to be with Price but forced to endure the painful wait for the opportune moment.

Yet, amidst the relentless passage of time, the much-anticipated day finally dawns – the pivotal Saturday arrives. You rise from slumber earlier than usual, the anticipation coursing through your veins. Your awakening coincides with your father's, and you eagerly assist him in preparing for his journey. Typically, his departures left you feeling desolate and vulnerable, particularly in the solitary darkness of night. But this time was different. With your father's absence, the prospect of uninterrupted time with Price filled you with excitement and nervousness. The empty spaces in your home echoed the promise of freedom to explore your desires with Price, unfettered by external constraints.

Your father lingers at the threshold, the weight of his suitcase heavy in his grasp, before turning to face you with a tender embrace. His arms envelop you in a cocoon of warmth, pressing a soft kiss upon your brow.

"Be a good girl," he murmurs, his voice laced with a gentle concern that tugs at your heartstrings. "And if anything should arise, remember, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis are just next door, eager to lend a helping hand."

Though time had sculpted you into a young woman, you forever remained his cherished little girl in your father's gaze, a truth that he couldn't help but express in his parting words. His paternal instinct, a steadfast guardian of your well-being, compelled him to ensure your safety before his departure.

"I know," you reply, your lips curving into a faint smile as you seek to assuage his worries. Deep down, a yearning stirs within you, a desire to confide in him the presence of another, to share the anticipation that thrums through your veins.

Yet, you swallow back the words, knowing the storm of inquiries they would unleash. Today, you choose silence, preserving the tranquillity of the moment rather than inviting the tumultuous interrogation that would surely follow.

After bidding your father a final, poignant farewell, he drives away, leaving you to linger in the solemnity of your now solitary home. As you stood there, the weight of his departure settling in, anticipation prickled your senses, for all that awaited was the arrival of your beloved, Price. The morning, still cloaked in the hushed whispers of dawn, stretched out endlessly before you.

To quell the restlessness, you busied yourself, tending to mundane tasks to fill the echoing void left by your father's absence. Every action was a testament to the restless yearning that gnawed at your heart, from shedding your pyjamas for more comforting attire to fussing over trivial details.

As the sun climbed higher, painting the sky with hues of amber and gold, the anticipation reached a fever pitch. Hours slipped like grains of sand through an hourglass until, at last, the familiar hum of a car signalled Price's imminent arrival. Peering out the window, your heart soared at the sight of his vehicle in the driveway, a beacon of hope in the solitude.

With a joyous smile dancing upon your lips, you descended the stairs, each step echoing with the rhythm of your racing heart. As you swung open the door, Price stood, a vision of beauty bathed in the soft morning light. His presence was a balm to your soul, his features radiant with an ethereal glow. It was as if he had meticulously prepared himself, his hair impeccably styled, igniting a wave of admiration and affection within you.

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