|ꜱᴜʙᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴ| König x Reader

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You are entrusted to König to regulate your stubbornness, but he has another way to get you back in line.


(Author's note: Before you read this chapter, you should know that it contains blood in small amounts and knife play.
So, if these things cause discomfort, don't read. I don't know German, so I googled these words; I hope they're correct, but if they're not, let me know. Thank you.

"Braves Mädchen"; Good girl
"Du bist mein"; Your mine)

Your unwavering determination and ingenuity often land you in hot water at work. It's a constant struggle for you to comply with specific directives and turn a blind eye to the injustice and abuse of authority perpetrated by your fellow soldiers. The clash between your strong-willed nature and the demands of your job creates a never-ending turmoil, leaving you torn between silence and standing up for what you believe is right.

Despite the trivial matters surrounding you, your presence within the base resonates with an illustrious reputation. However, your sole focus remains on executing your tasks flawlessly and doing your job in a way that aligns with your own values. Unfortunately, your unyielding spirit has caught the captain's attention, who deems it necessary to subject you to the supervision of a formidable colonel. This colonel's sole purpose is to 'correct' the seemingly invincible spirit within you.

You've desperately tried to evade the watchful gaze of the stern and imposing colonel, who has been assigned to monitor your every move. The mere thought of constant surveillance fills you with unease and rebellion. However, on the rare occasions when you're forced to endure his presence, you tirelessly maintain a flawless facade, hoping that if you play your cards right, he may loosen his grip, even if only momentarily. Exhausted after a day filled with obligations and responsibilities, you seek solace in the training room. In this sanctuary, you can release the pent-up frustration and simmering anger that has been building inside you.

As you enter the gym, a mysterious atmosphere envelops you. The dim lighting casts long shadows, while flickering white neon lights on the ceiling provide a faint glow, creating an ethereal ambience. With the sunlight slowly fading outside, a sense of tranquillity settles in, adding to the enchanting aura of the space.

Deciding to enhance your hand-to-hand combat skills, you make your way to the heavily guarded warehouse within the gym, where an array of weapons awaits. Among them, you choose one of your trusty, shiny knives with a razor-sharp blade. Heading to your usual practice spot, you confront a lifeless mannequin, ready to unleash your relentless assault. With each calculated stroke and agile manoeuvre, beads of sweat glisten on your furrowed brow as you immerse yourself in an intense training session.

As you immerse yourself completely in your training, time becomes a blur. The resounding sound of your efforts fills the air, drowning out any distractions. Suddenly, amidst this intense focus, the heavy metal door creaks open, but your unwavering determination keeps you from diverting your attention. Yet, an inexplicable sensation tingles along your spine, as if an invisible presence has fixed its gaze on you.

With bated breath, you slowly turn around, only to find Colonel König standing a short distance away. His commanding presence looms over you, emanating strength and power. His muscular arms are crossed firmly over his broad chest, adding to his aura of dominance. Concealing his face behind a long cloth mask, his piercing eyes lock onto you with unwavering intensity.

𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝙳𝚞𝚝𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now