|ꜰᴇᴀʀ ᴏꜰ ʟᴏꜱɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ| Soap x Reader

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After Soap returns home after being released from the hospital, you don't get to spend time with your boyfriend Soap as much as you would like because of your job. But when a feeling is too strong, it's impossible to resist for long.


(Author's note: I did some research and found these words in Scottish Gaelic on Google, I hope they are correct, if they are not please let me know. And sorry for the length of the chapter, but I got a little carried away, I hope you enjoy it anyway!
"mo ghràdh"; My love
"cuisla"; darling)

Nestled in the familiar embrace of your cozy home studio, you find comfort in the solitude surrounding you. With constant concentration, your eyes dance between the computer screen's radiant glow and your notebook's pages.

You became a high school teacher after dedicating countless years to honing your craft. This role, accompanied by both exhilaration and initial fear, proved to be a compelling and satisfying challenge rather than a bitter mistake, as many people would have you believe. Your young age ensures that you understand and connect with your students more quickly than the rest of your co-workers, creating a relationship of trust and mutual respect.At this very moment, you were immersed in the captivating PowerPoints created by your students in a group assignment, as it was one of the final assignments before the long-awaited Christmas holidays.

Lost in the splendor of his work, you remain unaware of another person's intrusion into your sanctuary. Only when two pairs of muscular arms gently encircle your neck do you return your head to the present moment, disconnecting your total concentration from your work. Despite this unexpected interruption, a warm sense of comfort and appreciation washes over you as you momentarily refuse to look away from the screen to complete the task.

Soap lets out a disapproving growl as if expressing his displeasure at your lack of attention.

"Mo ghrádh, come on... Put the pen down and stay with me," Soap whispers to you tenderly, his head nestled in the crook of your neck. With bated breath, he waits a few moments, wanting your response."Come take a bath with me," Soap begged, resting his chin gently on your tired shoulder, casting those irresistible puppy dog eyes that melt even the coldest heart.

"Surely you're old enough to bathe on your own, right?" you playfully challenge Soap, sporting a playful smirk and a glimmer of mischief in your eyes, tilting your head slightly to the side, all while effortlessly continuing to write on the paper before your eyes.

With a hint of disdain, Soap mutters, "You're not funny," as he abruptly withdraws his chin from your shoulder. His gaze remains fixed on the graceful movements of your hand as it glides across the paper.

After two hectic weeks, Soap was finally back home, his body still a little weak and fragile due to the interminable battle against the wanted Makarov. Those weeks were a tough test for you and Soap; every moment spent in the hospital seemed like an eternity. The gruesome details of what happened to your boyfriend remain unsaid, but you only had to see Soap lying on that sterile hospital bed, his life hanging by a thread as he fought to maintain consciousness, to know that it had been nothing pleasant.The room where he was being held was shrouded in eerie silence, punctuated only by the rhythmic beeping of the oxygen and heart machines and the sight of countless tubes snaking in and out of his body, a testament to the team's relentless efforts medical to keep him alive.

Pretending that nothing had happened is an immense challenge for both of them. The weight of the situation is always hanging heavily in the air, with Soap's frequent doctor visits to the hospital and the relentless stream of school meetings and homework leading up to the long-awaited Christmas holidays. These demanding schedules have tragically stolen precious moments of intimacy, leaving the two of you longing for the connection you once cherished.

With an exasperated huff filling the air, Soap grabs the back of your office chair with a firm grip, forcefully yanking it off the desk. The high-pitched scraping sound rings through the room as he expertly turns your chair, suddenly putting you face to-face with him.

"I don't know why you insist on working when I want your attention so badly," Soap grumbles, his voice tinged with irritation. Without waiting for your response, he quickly wraps his hands around your waist, effortlessly lifting you from your seat and hoisting you onto his shoulders as if you were weightless. His actions affirm his desire for your undivided attention.

"No, John, wait!" you exclaim, unable to contain your amusement and surprise as laughter erupts. Your arms hang loosely around your boyfriend's back, making you unable to resist his actions. Despite your efforts to lighten his responsibilities at home and aid in his recovery, he remains stubbornly determined. Even though his body has not regained its original strength after the accident, his indomitable strength persists and shines through.

In a mixture of disbelief and exasperation, you snap back, "Do you realize that this could be considered a kidnapping?" Sarcasm drips from your words as he forcefully carries you away, making you instinctively cling to his back for balance.

"Shhh, you like this," Soap whispers seductively, playfully giving you a tempting slap on the back of his thigh. With gentle tenderness, Soap deftly grasps the bathroom door handle, slowly opening it to reveal a private sanctuary.
He guides you through the door with utmost caution, making sure your body doesn't inadvertently collide with the door. Stepping into the bathroom, Soap carefully lowers you off his shoulders, allowing your feet to touch the cool tile floor.

"Besides, aren't you always complaining that I'm never here? I'm simply fulfilling your wishes," he chuckles playfully, planting a sweet, loving kiss on your chin, evoking a radiant smile.

The pain of longing for him consumes your every waking moment when he's on a mission, breaking your heart. Countless nights are spent in isolation, longing for his warm embrace. The sadness and emptiness that usually overwhelms you during those weeks, if not months, without him are indescribable. Every time he reveals his calling for another mission, frustration and desperation creep into your soul like a thief at night.

"I know I complain that you're never here at home with me, but I was finishing work," he reveals gently, peering deeply into his eyes that exude clarity and depth."You could have at least waited five minutes for me to finish, and calling me 'mo ghràdh' won't stop me from getting mad at you this time," you express, pointing at Soap's muscular chest pointedly. Despite the controlled calm in your voice, your underlying emotions remain palpable and raw.

As you passionately expressed your frustration to Soap, he found the courage to calm your emotions by gently pressing his lips against yours. Immediately, a wave of comfort washed over him when you mentioned his beloved nickname, sparking a radiant smile and prompting him to gently caress and ruffle your hair with genuine affection.

"Sorry, that's so tempting," he murmurs affectionately, his words caressing your lips. A soft chuckle escapes his lips as he turns to the faucet, his movements full of delightful enthusiasm. With careful precision, he fills the bathtub with water, shooting you furtive glances as if he were seeking approval for his actions.

In a playful tone, he softly whispers, "You're too stressed and I intend to help you relax... just for a little while." As his gentle touch slides down your arms, you can almost feel the soothing sensation slowly seep into your tired muscles.

You let out a tired sigh, your gaze moving from Soap's bright eyes to the bathtub gradually filling with warm water, its surface glistening in the light. Lost in contemplation, you take a moment to reflect on the situation. The weight of unfinished work beckons you back to your desk, but you can't shake the persistent thought consuming your mind. Deep down, you understand that Soap's heartfelt words hint at his desperate need for comfort and that he won't be able to find it without your unwavering support.

"It's okay, a bath can help us both relax," you confess, offering a soft smile that radiates warmth. You gently affirm your agreement, allowing a subtle nod to convey your sincere intention.

"That's my girl," Soap murmurs, his voice full of appreciation and affection.

You gracefully let each piece fall, allowing it to fall to the floor in a mesmerizing display of elegance. Every movement has a purpose as you peel back the layers that protect you, exposing your skin to the cool embrace of the room. At the same time, Soap confidently abandons his attire in a dramatic gesture. He gently dips his hand into the tub, testing the temperature of the water. With the utmost care, he abandons himself in the exquisite embrace of the bathtub, savoring the beneficial sensation that hits him.Gather your locks, securing them with a delicate clip to protect them from water droplets as you prepare to immerse yourself in the luxurious embrace of the bathtub. Crouching in front of Soap, you lean into his sturdy, hairy, but inviting chest, savoring the feeling of his comforting presence. His tender arms envelop you tenderly while his soft kisses delicately brush your neck and shoulders, evoking a sweet sigh of joy that escapes your parted lips.

Soap sighed deeply, his words tinged with relief and adoration."In the chaos of the last few weeks, you were always so busy because of me. But now, finally, my precious girl is getting the affection she deserves." He lovingly buries his face between your shoulder and neck, peppering gentle kisses across the delicate skin of your neck.

"It's of the utmost importance to me that you relax... I can't even imagine what you've been through," you whisper tenderly, eyes closed, as you gently caress Soap's forearm holding you. His strong arms wrap around you even tighter in response, providing you with an impenetrable fortress of support and affection.

"You're right, I need to rest... your presence brings me comfort and tranquility," Soap murmurs, his voice strained and tired. With tender affection, he kisses your neck, the gesture full of love and tenderness. As he rests his forehead against your head, a wave of relief washes over him, causing his breathing to slow and deepen as he gives himself pure relaxation.

In a moment of pure happiness, you and Soap find comfort in each other's arms, basking in the tender embrace. With your eyes closed, you feel the gentle touch of his forehead against your temple, creating a comforting connection that envelops your entire being. Like a beloved teddy bear cradled in a child's loving arms, Soap holds you close, radiating warmth and security with every touch. The bathtub transforms into a safe bubble as the soothing water caresses your skin, creating a sensual veil of soap suds that partially hides the beautiful vulnerability of your entwined nakedness.

In this serene embrace, a deep sense of tranquility and comfort envelops both of you, banishing all worries and problems, fears dissipating like fog, leaving you space to finally relax.With a heart overflowing with longing and a tender smile gracing your lips, you say softly, "I missed you so much."

Despite the constant company you provided him during his hospitalization and at home, without ever leaving his side for long, the absence of the person dearest to you next to you had left an indescribable void in your being.A delighted giggle escapes Soap's lips, his arms wrapping around you even tighter, pressing against your body as he leans in to gently kiss your cheek. A sigh of contentment escapes from deep within him as he slowly closes his eyes, completely surrendering to the peace and comfort of this intimate cocoon that exists exclusively for the two of you.

"I missed you too, cuisla," he murmurs softly, his breath caressing the air tenderly. Knowing that you are by his side, a deep gratitude fills his heart.
"I am so grateful to have you in my life... I love you so much." His love intensifies with every word, every syllable dripping with a heady blend of adoration and devotion.

"And I'm happy to have you in my life... I couldn't bear the thought of no longer being called mo ghràdh by you." You chuckle one last time, savoring the moment, before eagerly awaiting his response in solemn silence.

"I could never not call you that," Soap whispers, his voice husky as he smiles softly, holding you tighter as you speak.

"You're mo ghràdh... I'm serious," Soap murmurs softly, kissing your shoulder tenderly."Thank you for being here and taking such good care of me. I know it's not easy, but I appreciate it," Soap confesses, gently touching your neck with his lips, lighting a spark of joy that runs through your body; a faint smile appears at the corners of your lips.

"You are the man of my life, John... I will always wait for you, no matter how long I have to wait for your return from your missions; weeks, months or even years. And I will always be by your side... Because I love you. "Every word is imbued with the purest form of affection, testimony to the depth of my emotions.

When your heartfelt words reach Soap's ears, he skips a beat, unable to contain the overwhelming emotions. At that moment, with a soft sigh, he buries his face in the crook of your neck again, as if this is his safe place, his voice tinged with vulnerability and love as he whispers softly.

"I never doubted that you would miss me, but... hearing you say that means a lot. I want you to know that you will be my girlfriend for life... it means the world to me, and I love you more than anything." he murmurs softly, his warm breath caressing your neck as he refuses to pull away from your embrace."You're my lucky charm, my perfect partner," he murmurs playfully, brushing his lips against your neck, eliciting a delicious laugh from your lips. The sensations rippling through your sensitive skin are electrifying, a testament to the chemistry between you. Soap's mischievous nature shines through as he nips at your neck and shoulder, his endearing smile dancing across his face.

"Have you been hiding the fact that you're a vampire from me this whole time?" You ask playfully, noticing how Soap is paying more attention to your neck with his kisses and bites than usual.

Soap's hearty laughter fills the room, his lips pressing against your moist, velvety flesh with increasing intensity.
"Don't be silly, my love. But if I were a vampire, you would be my blood bank," he quips, leaning in to kiss your delicate neck tenderly.

Your laughter fills the air this time, unable to contain your amusement at his witty remark. Playfully, you bring his hand to your lips, leaving a lingering trail of hot kisses on the back of his hand, wet and frothy as the bath water elicits a delicious buzz in Soap.

"You're so sticky," Soap's mischievous whisper tickles your ear, sending delicious shivers down your spine. His playful demeanor is evident in the twinkle of his eyes and the captivating smile that graces his lips. As his pearly white teeth graze your earlobe, a delicious sensation ignites within you, leaving you wanting more of his teasing touch.

"Hey! If you don't like my displays of affection, that's the door and you can leave," you retort fiercely, getting up from his lap and standing on the edge of the tub. A hint of mock offense crosses your face as you turn away from him.Soap laughs softly, his warm arms wrapping around you as he gently guides you onto his lap. This time, however, you find yourself sitting in front of him with your eyes fixed on a tender and intimate moment he refuses to let go.

"You know very well that I care about your affection, my love. I would never leave you for this," he assures you in a voice full of sincerity. With a warm smile spreading across his face, brimming with affection and adoration, he jokingly insists, "If anything, I'll try to make you even clingier."

You lean in, your lips meeting his in a gentle, lingering kiss. Your hand gently caresses his cheek, savoring the warmth of his skin against your fingertips.

As you reluctantly part from his lips, your gaze can't help but drift to the large patch on the side of his forehead, hiding the stitches and haunting reminders of the scars left by the bullet hole that nearly tore him from his life.

Filled with sincere compassion, you tenderly offer, "Let me help you wash your hair," gently angling your body to reach for the shampoo. Your empathetic understanding recognizes the delicate situation Soap faces, ensuring that no harm befalls the tender patch or tangled stitches as you assist him.

"Okay then, honey... Just be careful. You know how sensitive this scalp is," Soap murmurs softly, his head tilted slightly. He remains silent as you tenderly clean his hair, watching your every move with the utmost caution and attention.

"It's nice to have someone to care for me," he whispers softly, his voice full of tenderness. Slowly, he raises his hand, his fingers gently grazing your velvety skin as if caressing a delicate flower.A gentle smile forms on your lips as he appreciates his affectionate gesture, a silent laugh welling inside you. You gently grab his hand as you move it away from your face.

"Hold still, darling, otherwise I can't wash your hair." he whispers affectionately, going back to delicately spreading the shampoo on your beloved's hair with the utmost care.Soap lets out a soft, melodic chuckle, completely surrendering to the warmth of your touch. With a calm expression, your boyfriend's mesmerizing eyes gradually open, fixated on you as you massage his scalp.

"You know you can have any spot on my body to wash whenever you want, love. But I love how much you like to pay attention to me," Soap declares whimsically, a mischievous smile dancing on his lips.

"After everything you've been through, I think making you relax is the least I can do," you whisper tenderly, a gentle smile gracing your lips. Looking at Soap's casual face and his delicately closed eyes, he seems on the verge of surrendering to sleep amidst the soothing sensation of your caresses.
With a gentle nod, he allows himself to slip further into tranquility, his eyelids tenderly protecting his serene gaze. The delicate caress of your touch envelops him, effortlessly transporting him to a realm of ultimate calm and serenity.

"Mmm... you do a great job of making me feel comfortable and loved... even when I'm too stressed to express myself properly," Soap murmurs, his voice filled with longing and gratitude.
You gently grasp the shower head as the water flows over Soap's head, creating a soothing melody. With every stroke and twist of your hand, you meticulously clean every trace of shampoo that had been lovingly applied to his scalp earlier, taking care not to let a single drop touch his delicate spots.
With a playful twinkle in your eyes and a mischievous smile dancing on your lips, you whimsically propose, "Perhaps this could be the final persuasion that leads you to grant me the honor of being called Mrs. MacTavish."

Eagerly waiting for Soap's response.A hint of surprise creases Soap's face, only to be replaced by gentle ease."Are you really sure, darling? Although... I like the way it sounds... Mrs. MacTavish," he murmurs, his voice once again brimming with deep affection.
With determination, you carefully readjust the shower head's position, ensuring it is in its proper place. As you do so, your gaze locks onto Soap's eyes, filled with intensity and determination."You know what? Since you like the sound of it so much, why don't we bring this fantasy to life?" You suggest with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Your fingers slide gently over Soap's shoulders and neck, sending shivers down his spine.

A sigh of satisfaction escapes his lips as he wipes the water from his forehead with a soft bathrobe dangling next to the tub. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you in a tight, loving embrace.Soap lets out a contented sigh, his fingers tenderly massaging your neck as he leans down to brush his lips passionately against yours. At that moment, his eyes overflowed with overwhelming affection that seemed to consume his entire being.

Whispers of adoration escape his lips as he lovingly proclaims, "Let's be honest... you're perfect for me." With an almost reverent look, he caresses every contour of your face as if every feature has an enchanting charm that captivates him.

"So I should take that as a yes? So I should consider us engaged now?" you ask, full of joy and amusement, as you tenderly cry a loving kiss onto Soap's lips.Soap responds with a warm and loving smile, his eyes full of adoration as he tenderly returns your kiss. His touch lingers on your skin as he pulls away, his clammy hand gently stroking your face, tickling you with a gentleness that sends shivers down your spine.
"But that doesn't mean it's going to happen right away... I want to have an amazing wedding with you, love," Soap murmurs tenderly, his voice full of affection.
"And to be honest, I would love to show you off at our wedding..." he reveals softly, his voice now a gentle whisper as his eyes wander dreamily over your face.

A playful smirk dances on your lips as you respond, "Oh, so you want to show me off at our wedding? Are you hoping to make all your friends and colleagues envious of the stunning, breathtaking woman who will soon be your wife?" Your voice tinged with sarcasm, you lock eyes with Soap, losing yourself in the depths of his mesmerizing blue eyes.

"Among other things," His voice, barely above a whisper, holds a hint of desire as his gaze settles on your lips, his fingers tracing the lines of your jaw. Pausing momentarily, Soap's words take on a deeper meaning, full of sincerity and heartfelt emotion."I want the world to see how incredibly lucky I am to have found someone as amazing as you."Soap's gaze, full of contemplation and uncertainty, remains fascinated by the depth of your eyes. It's as if Soap were struggling with a whirlwind of thoughts, searching for the perfect words to convey the storm of emotions inside him.

In a quiet whisper, he finds the courage to speak, his voice tinged with vulnerability."If it's okay with you, my love, I want you to know that I feel an overwhelming sense of safety whenever I'm in your presence. Even when I work with others in the field, my mind goes to you. You are always there to comfort me only with the memory of your presence..." he confesses. His voice, soft and hoarse, trembles as his hand gently caresses your arm, his gaze momentarily abandoning yours.

His words hit you with a powerful force, leaving you feeling like you've been punched. Tears well up in your eyes, threatening to overflow, but you struggle to contain them. As you look forward, the figure before you transforms into an eerie reflection of Soap dying two weeks ago in the sterile hospital room.

"Oh, my love..." you whisper. You leap into his waiting embrace, your arms circling his neck, desperate to hold him close, as if you fear this precious moment might fade away like a fleeting illusion.The force of your quick, powerful movement collides with Soap's body, causing the water in the tub to swing vigorously and overflow over the edges. The waterfall of liquid crashes onto the bathroom floor, creating a loud, chaotic noise that echoes throughout the room.

Spoken softly, Soap utters "mo ghràdh..." as if he were whispering with love and care.Gently and tenderly, he gently separates you from his strong embrace, his hands enveloping your face with soothing warmth. Soap's gaze fixes on your face, a flash of concern and intensity crossing her features as she watches the uncontainable rivers of tears rolling down your cheeks.

"You have no reason to cry, love. What's wrong?" Soap whispers, tenderly caressing your delicate face to wipe away the glittering droplets. His voice rings soothingly, tinged with a hint of raw vulnerability, as if every word is carefully chosen to comfort your wounded soul.

"Hey, hey... You're too cute to cry, honey," Soap chuckles tenderly, his voice turning into a sweet melody, determined to lift your spirits, showering you with comfort and reassurance.

"It's just..." you begin, feeling a tight knot of frustration and anxiety tighten in your chest. Pause, taking a moment to inhale deeply and exhale slowly."Every time you go on a mission, I can't help but worry about you. The thought that you could be seriously injured or worse consumes me. And now, knowing that you always think of me on a mission means that I would want to be the last thing in your thoughts if something were to happen..." Unable to complete the sentence, tears flow uncontrollably down your face, your heart breaking at the sight of the bandage on his forehead, while a slight tremor runs along your lower lip.

Soap's comforting presence envelops you, his voice full of tenderness and reassurance."Yes, darling... I would think of you..." His voice lingers, carrying a hint of melancholy as his expression turns to seriousness. It's as if he is involved in a fierce battle with his emotions and memories of him, reliving the harrowing moment that almost separated him from his life.Soap lets out a heavy sigh, his voice brimming with weariness and vulnerability.

"Every time I go on a mission, my life is in danger... But your love is like an anchor. Your presence keeps me focused and alive," he confesses, his tone saturated with an even more profound sense of intimacy and tenderness.
Gently, he tenderly caresses your wet cheeks with his fingers slathered in scented Soap.
"You're the love of my life... my everything. I won't die. I'll be fine. I always come home to you. Like this time," he declares with a reassuring smile, even as a hint of sadness shines in his eyes.

Overwhelmed and speechless, you simply acknowledge with a nod, your mind unable to process an adequate response. The weight of all the stress and tension you've accumulated over the past few weeks collapses on you instantly, engulfing your senses. Seeking comfort, you gently close your eyes and lean into Soap, finding refuge in the comforting embrace of his arms.
As you rest your head on his chest, you can feel the rhythmic beating of his heart, its steady beat calming your frayed nerves. At that moment, you want to stay there, held tightly by your beloved partner, desperately clinging to the tangible proof that this extraordinary moment is real – that he is truly with you, unharmed and alive.Soap brushes his lips gently against your salty eyelids, tracing the path of his tears. The tenderness in his touch fills your heart with an overwhelming mix of sweetness and adoration, stirring emotions that threaten to bring tears to your eyes once again.

"You know I love you, right, darling?" he murmurs, his lips curving into a gentle smile that radiates warmth and affection."And not just because you're good at relieving my stress...I mean, that's a plus," Soap whispers playfully, his velvety voice dropping into a seductive hum as his captivating gaze wanders downward. With tender precision, his fingers once again lovingly caress the softness of your skin.

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have told me a few minutes ago that I can become Mrs. MacTavish," he retorts, a hint of amusement in your voice.

"It wasn't just an empty offering, darling, that's for sure," he assures, a mischievous glint in his eyes, his touch on the back of your neck sending shivers down your spine."I love you more than anything... I want to marry you. Be your husband. Be yours." His mesmerizing blue eyes remain fixed on you, watching as your face transforms into serene tranquility. Although the tears have left their mark, your eyes now shine with a hint of relief and loving vulnerability.

With a playful smile dancing on her lips, she fondly remarks, "Sometimes I can be romantic, darling," his voice laced with a hint of self-satisfaction.Observing him with the utmost caution, truly examining his every movement and the nature of his occupation, it was unimaginable to understand that beneath her military, disciplined, and dangerous exterior lay a heart that radiated warmth and love like pure gold. His particular aspect has fascinated you since your paths intertwined; initially, you thought Soap had an air of arrogance and a commanding presence, much like the typical individuals you had met before. However, as you delved deeper into his essence, you discovered an unexpected kindness that dissolved all your preconceptions.

"I think the rest of your team would be speechless to see you acting so romantic," you observe, a small smile on your lips. When your gaze locks with Soap, a sense of warmth and contentment overwhelms you, replacing the unease that had clouded your mind only moments before.

"My teammates have known I've been crazy about you for a while now. If anyone saw me being sweet to you, they'd probably think I'm getting soft, honey," he confesses, his words barely audible, as if they were delicate petals floating in a light breeze, as he approaches you, his lips brushing your ear in a tender caress.
"I'm a sweet boy, love; that's just how I am with you," Soap chuckles softly, his gentle fingers caressing your skin again, creating a soothing sensation that sends waves of pleasure throughout your body.

"We better get out of the bathtub, my hands are getting wrinkly," you observe jokingly, standing up from the water and feeling the droplets fall down your body, giving you goosebumps from the contrast between the warm, comforting water and the refreshing atmosphere of the bathroom.

With a burst of agility, Soap quickly jumps to his feet, eager to lend a hand. He exits the tub before you, extending both hands towards you with unwavering support, determined to ensure your safety, sparing no effort to avoid unfortunate slips.His eyes roam over him and down your glistening, exposed figure, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. A wave of desire passes through him as he takes in your wet form, intensifying the passion in his voice.

"You look absolutely wonderful when you're wet, my love..." he murmurs seductively, his words dripping with a heady mix of admiration and desire."You look like a goddess..." he whispers to you, gently caressing the velvety skin of your arm with his tender fingers. His gaze, filled with an ocean of admiration, fixates on you as his mesmerizing blue eyes radiate intense, pure awe in response to the sheer magnificence of your breathtaking beauty.

"You know well that you don't need to tell me these things, that you already have my heart, right?" you ask, playfully raising an eyebrow and wrapping a towel around your wet, naked body to dry yourself off and keep you warm.

"Yes, darling... I know, but I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are," he replies with a smile, lowering his voice to a soft whisper.

You move closer to Soap when your lips meet tenderly; a wave of heat envelops you. Soap's lips meet yours in a passionate, fiery kiss.The intensity of his touch sends electric shivers down your spine as his hands tenderly explore every inch of your moistened flesh, creating a tantalizing connection between the two of you. A gentle, yearning moan escapes from deep in his throat, mirroring the raw pleasure he feels from the feeling of your lips pressed intimately against his. As the kiss ended, his eyes gradually opened, revealing a radiant smile that spoke volumes about the deep connection you shared in that moment.

Seizing the golden opportunity, you quickly slipped away from Soap's presence, seeking refuge in the privacy of your bedroom, searching for the proper clothing to wear within the comfortable walls of your home. Approaching your wardrobe, you have carefully chosen a cozy and warm dress, ready to be worn at that moment.With your mind focused on the present, you reminded yourself to return to work before it was too late.Leaning forward, you rummaged through the messy fabric box hidden deep in the closet, hoping to find your perfect pair of socks, knowing they would always warm your full ones. Suddenly, an unexpected touch sent a shiver down your spine, a gentle caress on your ass, leaving you surprised and unsure.

"It's a dangerous position, mo ghràdh," Soap whispered mischievously, his words filled with danger and desire.

As soon as you noticed the playful pressure of his pelvis against your ass, a blush spread across your cheeks, betraying the mix of embarrassment and excitement coursing through your veins. Soap's mischievous smile and twinkling eyes revealed his pleasure in influencing you.Standing behind you, glistening with wetness, his bare chest exposed, Soap's modesty was preserved only by a thin towel wrapped tightly around his waist.

As his hand moved down, gently stroking your ass through the soft towel, each deliberate stroke gradually exposing the tender flesh beneath, his fingers expertly teasing and massaging your supple skin. The exquisite pressure of his touch sent shivers down your spine, lighting a fire inside you that intensified with every squeeze.

"John," you whispered his name with a soft sigh, the sound escaping your lips like a tender caress. Straightening up, your body responded uncontrollably to the electrifying sensation his touch gave you.Gently grasping the edge of the towel, Soap slowly unrolled it from your body, savoring every moment as he revealed your naked form. You stood still, a mix of anticipation and confidence coursing through your veins, allowing your loved one to bask in the sight of your exposed figure once again.

"That's my girl," Soap whispered, his voice low and sultry."You're a good girl..." he added, biting your neck.

Every moment Soap tastes your skin, his eyes brim with adoration and desire. His fingers travel up your body with a tender touch, caressing the softness of your skin.

"I see that after a relaxing bath, it's easier for you to get excited now." A mischievous smile graces your face as you savor the sensation of Soap's masculinity becoming more solid against your body. The closeness between you heightens your senses, evoking excitement and anticipation.

"It really is, my love," he murmurs, his voice dripping with longing and longing as he lowers it to a tender whisper. "Just seeing your gorgeous body makes it hard not to get turned on," Soap replies, nipping gently at your earlobe, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.
His lips slide across your breast, his fingers gripping you lightly as he whispers in a more sensual tone. Feeling his warm breath teasing your sensitive post-bath skin, he let out a small sigh.

"The way you look at me, love... I'm so lucky."After those stressful and challenging weeks for both of you, the intimate and romantic moment in the bathtub reminds you of the strength and beauty of your bond. Deep down, you both want more affection, more physical and carnal contact.Soap's silky touch glides across your tender breasts, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in its wake. With each thrust, your boyfriend's hands gently caress your shoulders, sending shivers down your spine. As his mouth explores the curves of your breast, his voice adopts a velvety tone full of tenderness and affection as he nips playfully at your sensitive skin.

"Darling..." Soap says seductively, his voice trailing off for a moment. Then, his fingers slide down."It's impossible for me to resist you," Soap adds softly, slowly moving his fingers towards your opening. "You're irresistible, darling..." he whispers.

During the electrifying pleasure coursing through your body, you can't help but let out a moan of pure satisfaction. Soap's fingers gently explore your most intimate parts, intensifying the burning desire within you. As his lips continue their enchanting dance, planting fervent kisses on every inch of your skin and his tongue on your breasts.

The effect of this passionate touch doesn't go unnoticed by Soap as his manhood hardens under the towel that still clings to his waist, growing visibly more complex with each passing moment.Soap's lips linger on your chest, every bite and kiss a passionate declaration of his desire for you. Soap touch becomes tender with an unhurried pace that heightens the anticipation, his fingers venturing further, exploring your most intimate depths with a gentle yet deliberate caress.Soap's low and sensual voice is like a sweet whisper in the night, full of an irresistible sensuality that makes the heart beat faster. His lips graze over your quivering nipples, igniting a fleeting wave of exquisite pleasure before teasingly retreating.

"I love your moans, love... your sounds turn me on so much..." he whispers with lust in his voice and gaze as his fingers slowly go from one to two.

Overwhelmed by the ecstasy evoked by Soap's fingers, you frantically confess, "You're going to end up killing me if you tease me like this." Your heart pounds in your chest, every gentle touch and bold exploration making your legs tremble, sending delicious waves of pleasure rippling through your body. Just the thought of having Soap's comforting presence, his intoxicating aroma and the gentle touch of his fingers plunge you into a state of madness and utter desperation.

"I think I'll keep teasing you then, cuisla," he whispers huskily, his hot breath caressing your skin as his lips eagerly graze your sensitive nipple once more, nibbling on it playfully.His eyes are filled with a heady blend of adoration, desire and a burning passion; he avidly watches every glimmer of pleasure that dances across your face and revels in the symphony of your moans pouring into his ears, fueling his fervent desire.As Soap expertly explores deeper within you, an overwhelming sensation courses through every inch of your being, igniting a long-suppressed desire that longed for the touch of your loved one.

"That's it, love," Soap whispers, his voice low and sultry, his words soft, gentle, tender, and full of love."I've never needed anything more than this moment..." he adds, nibbling on your breast a little more insistently, trying not to hurt too much as his fingers penetrate you deeper.

He closes his eyes softly, surrendering to the pleasure that consumes you. Every delicate sound that escapes your lips resonates with pure ecstasy, creating a sweet symphony that fills the air. As Soap's skilled fingers dig deeper into your core, just the thought of him sensing the extent of your wet arousal sends an enchanting blush to your cheeks, simultaneously filling you with an intoxicating joy - a fervent desire to express how deeply his touch leaves its mark on you.

Lovingly, press Soap's face closer to your breast, inviting him to nibble passionately and caress your chest fervently. His tender tongue slides gracefully across your sensitive skin, leaving a trail of electrifying sensations. Meanwhile, his expert fingers venture deeper into your essence, expertly exploring every inch of your desires as the symphony of your voluptuous moans intensifies, enveloping the room in an intoxicating aura.Soap's touch is nothing short of magical, making your legs tremble and feel like your legs are on the verge of giving up. In that moment, you find yourself desperately clinging to the closet door, reaching for even more stability in resting your other hand on Soap's shoulder, wanting any support amidst the overwhelming pleasure that threatens to consume you completely.Soap rests his forehead in the hollow between your breasts, absorbing the rhythm of your breathing and the palpitations of your heart, allowing him to savor the captivating essence of your unique scent.

"Look at you, my love," Soap whispers excitedly, as if he can't believe the reaction he has ignited in you."You're so needy, darling..." he murmurs, his words dripping with love and adoration.

"And it's all your fault," you whisper softly, voice filled with frustration and desire, placing the blame squarely on Soap's shoulders, knowing that he's the cause of the intense sensations coursing through your body.As you bite your lower lip, a wave of anticipation takes over as you synchronize the movements of your hips with Soap's skilled fingers, amplifying the waves of pleasure with each passing moment.

"Oh, it definitely is," Soap whispers sensually, his voice growing harder and hoarse.Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, he tilts his head back. The gentle caress of his touch as his words pierce through your skin like a burning inferno, you can no longer resist the all-consuming desire. Your body trembles uncontrollably against him, teetering on the precipice of ecstasy. And just when you reach the point of no return, a storm of pleasure explodes within you, radiating from deep within your core and exploding in a magnificent crescendo at the expert touch of Soap's fingers. With a mischievous smile, Soap's face lights up as he revels in the ecstasy of your orgasm.

"Oh, my love..." Soap exhales softly, his fingers sliding away from your body softly. "Look how much came."His words are filled with awe and adoration as he watches the evidence of your pleasure, his voice tinged with a raw, passionate edge. With deep tenderness, he brings his moistened fingers to his mouth, licking them gently without ever breaking eye contact with you."So sweet..."

With a delicate touch, Soap's lips meet yours in a carnal kiss, creating a dance between your tongues that speaks volumes of his love for you. As you return the passionate kiss, moans of joy escape your lips, expressing contentment and desire.

"Let me satisfy you now, love, please..." you beg softly with a mixture of desire and adoration in your voice. Your gaze locks with his mesmerizing blue eyes, full of anticipation as you eagerly await his response."As if I could ever say 'no' to this," he murmurs seductively, his voice dripping with pleasure. His gaze remains fixed on yours.

You caress Soap's neck tenderly, feeling the warmth of his skin under your fingertips. With a rush of passion, you press your lips against his, your hands sliding up his chest, applying gentle but firm pressure that forces him to take a step back without breaking the intoxicating kiss. With each backward movement, the anticipation grows until he finally finds himself at the edge of your bed.

With a slightly forceful push, you guide him to sit on the edge, intensifying the heavy desire in the air. Your eyes lock with him as he sits down, and a mischievous yet tender smile graces your lips, radiating an irresistible charm. With deliberate and enticing movements, you plant soft kisses on his neck, your lips continuing their tantalizing journey, trailing further down his body. As you press your lips against his body, passionately exploring every inch, his gaze intensifies. His eyes shine with an irresistible mixture of longing and burning desire. He hangs onto your every move, entirely enthralled by the intoxicating pleasure you bring him.

"Oh, honey... you're a sweet little devil," Soap murmurs, his voice trembling with desire and raw sensuality as he leans back. With a satisfied smile, he willingly relinquishes control to you, fully trusting your ability to lead this captivating dance of passion and love. Soap gently runs his fingers through your hair, stroking your scalp tenderly.

With a voice dripping with desire, you reply, "Let this little devil work," as you trace your lips tantalizingly along his sculpted stomach, gradually moving down towards his hips as you remove the towel from his waist, the all by storming him with a series of provocative kisses.

His muscles tense involuntarily, every nerve in his body on high alert as his gaze fixates on your every move. Soap's eyes speak volumes, mirroring the pure desire swirling within him. They glow with a primal hunger and fiery enthusiasm, yet he holds himself back valiantly, displaying remarkable self-control.

"You deserve to be punished, darling... you're so bad," he murmurs in a voice that is both hoarse and rough but laced with passion and a touch of malice.

With a mischievous twinkle in your eyes and a playful smirk on your lips, you find yourself captivated by his words. Your gaze intensifies as you slowly and sensually trace your fingers along his manhood, planting tender kisses that send waves of heat through his entire being. As you close your eyes, your heart quickens as Soap's breaths become rapid and shallow, echoing with an undeniable urgency. With a slight tilt of his body, Soap invites you to come closer, granting you unlimited access to the deepest core of him.Soap's eyes burn with an insatiable hunger, brimming with a mixture of lust and desire. Giving in to the intensity of the moment, you look away from Soap's captivating eyes, focusing entirely on his throbbing manhood. With deliberate slowness and overwhelming sensuality, you worship every inch of him, your lips caressing and savoring him, fully aware of the powerful effect it has on him.

A radiant smile lights up Soap's face as he lies on the bed, exuding pure happiness. He closes his eyes luxuriously, a euphoric, incomprehensible hum escaping his lips, confirming the overwhelming ecstasy shaking his entire body. The velvety but firm touch of Soap on every strand of your hair, caressing it with extreme tenderness, accompanying the fluid movement and leaving you in a state of pure ecstasy.You caress Soap tenderly, pouring your heart and soul into every delicate movement, determined to replicate the incredible pleasure he gave you moments ago. Your motivation goes far beyond reciprocity; you feel immense joy in watching how his body craves the connection that only you can provide, how he craves your touch and affection.

Soap's voice is hoarse and raspy as he speaks softly: "You really drive me crazy..."His body tenses slightly, gripping your hair a little tighter. "Oh, honey... you really don't understand how much I want you," Soap says, his voice full of pure lust and love.

His words ignite a wave of desire within you, making you bob your head with more enthusiasm, accompanied by soft, heady moans that reverberate through Soap's throbbing manhood. Every nerve in your body craves his climax, desires for him to feel the same wave of pleasure that consumed you.Soap's every muscle tenses in response to your expert touch. The rapid pace of her breath fills the air, each exhale growing louder as she approaches the precipice of ecstasy. He is fighting a passionate internal battle, desperately trying to maintain control and prolong the climax that awaits him.

"Ooh, darling..." Soap murmurs, his voice dripping with desire and adoration but tinged with a raw, harsh edge. The way he speaks is like an irresistible plea, wanting you to envelop him in pleasure and satisfaction.Soap's gentle but firm grip on your hair becomes almost enchanting; you surrender to his dominance, willingly submitting as he expertly maneuvers your head to satisfy his desires. Time seems to stand still as he indulges in the tantalizing sensation, the pleasure that radiates through his body in a symphony of soft sighs and delicious shivers. This desired and denied touch finally grants him the euphoria he longed for during the painful separation between you.

After what seems like an eternity, Soap finally reaches its long-awaited climax. He releases his grip on your head, surrendering to the overwhelming pleasure that consumes him. As he explodes in ecstasy, his body tenses with joy, gasping for air, eyes tightly closed; he completely abandons himself to the intense sensations pulsing within him.

"God... God..." Soap whispers. He leans back on the bed, his body shaking."You have no idea... how good you are..." Soap begins, but before he can finish speaking, he inhales deeply, catching his breath and calming down. He opens his eyes and looks at you, still breathless.

With a tender touch, you bring him closer, feeling the heat of his body against your skin. Your lips meet in a gentle, loving kiss as your fingers trace his cheek lovingly. A warm chuckle escapes your lips as you softly confess, "I know, love, you don't have to say it."

"There's no need to pretend, darling...You know exactly what you did to me, the impact you had on my body," Soap whispers to you, his voice a delicate blend of tenderness and desire, still tingling from the remnants of his intense pleasure.

With a tone of innocence and a hint of playfulness, you confidently retort, "I have no idea what you're talking about; I didn't do anything." A mischievous glint dances in your eyes as you mockingly feign confusion, enjoying the opportunity to tease him after he chooses words.

Soap chuckles softly as amusement dances in his eyes at your bewildered expression and the words escaping your lips. With a tender touch, gentle as a whispering breeze, he lovingly caresses your cheek, his voice barely audible as he murmurs, "Oh, mo ghràdh."

Suddenly, Soap leaps forward and wraps you tightly in his embrace, effortlessly pulling you closer in one swift motion, gently positioning you next to him. The suddenness of his actions catches you entirely off guard, evoking a mixture of shock and joy within you. However, when the unexpected strikes, a contagious wave of pleasure overwhelms you, making your laughter erupt like a melody full of warmth and tenderness.His hand caresses your face tenderly, gently brushing your hair away from your forehead, revealing his deep affection for you. The air is infused with warmth and coziness that cannot be expressed in words. Gradually, you glimpse the flickering desire in Soap's eyes, an undeniable spark that ignites something within you, too: a shared passion for more, a passion that hangs between you.

You sensually pull away from his embrace, gracefully maneuvering across the bed until you're face to face. Settling with your back facing him, you naturally lean forward, giving him a whole show of your charms from behind. Your hips sway seductively.

Soap is fascinated by the breathtaking view; his eyes are filled with a burning desire that consumes his very being, drawn towards you as if you possess an otherworldly magnetism. The temptation to reach out and touch you is almost unbearable, but Soap resists, not wanting to shatter the fragile beauty of this exquisite moment. He remains still, fixated on your every graceful movement, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes that hints at the playful desire growing within him.The sight of your femininity on full display sends Soap into a frenzy of restlessness. His desire for you is palpable, as if you can almost taste his insatiable hunger and desperate thirst for your presence.

"You don't want to leave me like this all evening, do you?" You ask in a playful tone, breaking the silence and turning your head to look at your lover's face.As you say your words, a smile dances effortlessly across Soap's face, his eyes never leaving the seductive curves of your body. With conviction and fervor in his voice but with a hint of rawness still present, he flatly rejects your proposal.

"Absolutely not. Although I'm enjoying the view right now," your boyfriend says, his voice carrying an undercurrent of tenderness and passion that resonates in every syllable.Soap rises from his reclining state, positioning himself discreetly behind you. His tender kisses wash over your back while his hands caress your thighs; a gentle but firm pressure ignites a spark between you. The intensity increases as he grips your pelvis, ensuring perfect alignment. Poised and hungry, he prepares to indulge in the intimate connection that awaits him.

With a mischievous look in his eyes, Soap teases you playfully, tracing his tip past the threshold of your desire. Each thrust elicits soft moans of anticipation and lust. Then, finally, he gradually penetrates you, allowing the ecstasy to build with every deliberate inch. His fingers caress your thighs, electrifying your entire being. They provide support and balance as if they never want to let you go.

Soap moves slowly and calmly, savoring every aspect of the position. He marvels at the way your muscles flex in harmony with his thrusts. It's not just about the physical connection; it's a deep appreciation for his control over your body. With constant attention, he adapts his movements to ensure your pleasure and satisfaction. His fingers slide along the small of your back, his closed eyes amplifying the moment's intensity. At the same time, the rustling of the sheets harmonizes with his movements, filling the room with an ethereal atmosphere.Soap's voice is hoarse but full of lust and passion.

"You know, darling... I needed you," he whispers, his voice full of pure love."And I needed you," you whimper, your voice full of desire and desperation as his thrusts penetrate your core.

With an infectious smile, Soap speeds up his movements, igniting a fire within. The rhythm electrifies your senses as pleasure courses through your body, adding to the euphoric sensation."Do you know how much I need you...how much I need to fulfill you...how much you drive me crazy?" Soap whispers passionately.

"John!" you gasp, a mixture of amazement and joy coursing through your veins. His powerful thrusts intensify, creating a symphony of passion and desire between you.

Soap listens to the symphony of your moans, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He intensifies his pace with each movement, synchronizing perfectly with your cries. The air becomes electric as his breathing becomes rapid, fueling his desire. The bed shakes and resonates with each powerful thrust, colliding with the wall in a tantalizing symphony of pure eroticism.

As he presses your forehead against the mattress, making your arms shake uncontrollably under the intensity and force of his penetrating thrusts. Every breath you take becomes a fiery blaze, filled with an intoxicating heaviness that consumes your lungs and fuels the fire within. Your heartbeat accelerates to an almost symphonic speed, drowning out any stray thoughts as you surrender entirely to the raw, primal connection between you and Soap, entwined in this fervent dance of desire.

Soap's vigorous movements gradually decrease speed, allowing both a brief respite to regain some semblance of composure. Soap wants to capture and safeguard the perfection of this intimate union because he wants to experience every sensation and every touch with deep intensity.
His heart overflows with an ardent desire that this meeting transcends the boundaries of mere physicality; he wants it to be characterized by a romantic air, an ethereal atmosphere that envelops you both. Above all, his deepest wish is for you to bask in the glow of pure ecstasy; he wants your pleasure to be boundless, a euphoria that transcends all words. Yet, there's an undeniable urgency in his actions, as if he fears that you might vanish into thin air if he were to loosen his grip on you.

Soap's voice is soft and sweet, but his breathing is still heavy, slightly hoarse. "I need you, love," he tells you, his tone passionate. "I need you right now."

Soap's strong touch caresses your lithe hips as his skilled fingers glide sensually over the graceful contours of your body, both of you finding yourself momentarily breathless from the intoxicating dance of desire. With a tender but firm grip, he leans in, effortlessly turning your head to the side, his hand cupping your face as he locks his lips with yours, infusing this passionate moment with a profound expression of love.

You return his kiss with enthusiasm and passion as you gently caress his cheek with a trembling hand. The moment your lips reluctantly part, Soap grips your hips once more, deepening the connection between your bodies. Your breath hitches as he lifts your ass even higher, each movement sending shivers of euphoria coursing through you. He intensifies the speed of his passionate thrusts, each filled with insatiable desire. His breaths become labored and saturated with a burning hunger as if he is consumed by an irresistible lust that overwhelms him completely. His hips rock rhythmically in perfect sync, echoing the cadence of Soap's breaths and the relentless force of his thrusts.

"I need it," Soap says, his voice soft but firm. "I need this moment with you," he adds as he strokes your back and squeezes you briefly with his fingers."Fuck love... yes," you moan softly, almost breathless, feeling Soap hit the right spot inside you repeatedly, making you roll your eyes in pleasure.

As if under a spell, Soap's grip on your hips loosens, and he pulls you towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist. With a passionate urgency, he presses his chest against your back. He begins to penetrate you deeply as he moves in perfect rhythm with you, his warm breath caressing and teasing the sensitive skin of your back, intensifying the moment.

The overwhelming pleasure reaches unimaginable heights, surpassing any previous experience. Tiredness takes over your arms, making them unable to support your weight. Seeking comfort, you find solace by resting your forehead against the softness of the mattress. However, Soap's unshakable grip around your waist holds you firmly in place, allowing him to continue with relentless force. Waves of pleasure ripple through your being as you surrender to the euphoria, letting out a symphony of soft moans and sobs muffled by the embrace of the mattress.

Soap's movements increase in speed and intensity; he leans forward, pressing his lips against your smooth, delicate back, showering it with searing kisses. Every now and then, he playfully grazes his teeth against your skin, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.Soap enjoys savoring your response to his forceful movements, savoring the symphony of your gratifying moans. As a result, he constantly pushes himself deeper into you, intensifying his penetrating workouts. With each wave, the pleasure within you amplifies, enveloping you in an overwhelming wave of ecstasy.

Unable to contain the overwhelming feeling of pleasure, you suppress a guttural moan that escapes your lips, muffling it against the softness of the mattress beneath you. Tremors course through your body uncontrollably as a powerful wave of ecstasy crashes over you, surpassing even your initial climax. With fervent intensity, you envelop Soap's throbbing manhood with the searing heat of your unbridled pleasure. Breathless, Soap's breathing becomes deep and labored, his eyelids fluttering closed as he savors this intoxicating moment, allowing it to consume him entirely.

His moans ring with an insatiable hunger, aching with a primal lust that consumes him from the inside. Every thrust he unleashes is an explosive burst of overwhelming pleasure, his body driven by an unquenchable desire to please you. After reaching the peak of enjoyment with a low, raspy moan, Soap continues to slide tenderly inside you, savoring every exquisite moment. Finally, he stops his movements entirely and rests his wet forehead against the curve of your spine, his breath cascading in fervent gasps.

The tempting touch of Soap's gentle caresses and kisses sends a delicious shiver down your spine as his lips trace the curves of your back with the utmost sensuality.So tenderly, Soap's arms loosen their embrace, reluctantly releasing their hold on you. He adjusts his position, leaning back slightly, his face resting on your back. The pace of his breathing gradually slows, creating a soothing melody that resonates with the moment's tranquility.

He continues to shower kisses on your delicate back and supple neck with unwavering affection and intense passion. Soap's sweet and relaxing caresses slide over your body, leaving behind a trail of pure ecstasy. As he lovingly embraces your skin, you feel an overwhelming wave of comfort and longing. In a moment of unexpressed connection, he pulls you closer, his strong embrace enveloping you like a protective shield.
The fervor of each inhale against his chest ignites an intense fusion of passion and desire that transcends words. A serene silence envelops you, both overwhelmed by tiredness and unable to find words to capture the depth of your bond. Soap's breathing remains labored, his stomach tingling with a mixture of euphoric dopamine and electrifying adrenaline, a testament to the mind-blowing intimacy we've just shared.

Soap nuzzles into your shoulder and whispers softly, "Can I lay on you?" his voice full of sweetness, tenderness and love."You don't even have to ask, love," you reply softly.

With a gentle touch, Soap momentarily loosens his grip on you, allowing you to lie on your back. With the utmost care, Soap positions himself on top of you, nestling his head against your chest. His strong arms encircle your waist once again, creating an impenetrable shield that protects you from the cold and any lurking fears. Overwhelmed by this affectionate gesture, you raise your hand and tenderly caress the back of Soap's neck and head, appreciating every moment shared.

"I never get tired of how much you like to touch me," Soap murmurs as he nestles against you, his warm breath brushing against your skin as he graces you with a tender smile."Can you blame me for wanting to touch the man I love?" You ask with a smile, keeping your eyes closed as you gently rub Soap's upper back.

Soap gently places his hands on your arms, sliding them over the skin of your arms."No, I can't blame you at all."With every tender kiss you placed on Soap's head, your heart overflowed with affection. A joyful smile lit up your face as his words resonated within you.

"I really think we need another bathroom," you stated confidently, your voice laced with conviction and amusement. A brief silence filled the room, only to be broken by a delightful giggle escaping from deep within you.

Soap chuckled and looked at you, his eyes full of love.
"You mean another bath?" he asked, smiling, a mixture of confusion and curiosity evident in his words.He kissed your forehead and brought his face closer to yours, his chest pressed against yours as his lips gently caressed your chest.
"Or maybe another room?" Soap teased, his voice gentle yet playful, as if to provoke a reaction from you.

"No, honey, stop having bad thoughts," you lovingly retorted, playfully slapping Soap's shoulder. A radiant smile graced his face, his eyes sparkling with genuine amusement."I mean a real bath, after all the 'gymnastics' we just did... we're both sweaty," you conclude in a sweet tone, continuing to run your hand over Soap's neck and head.

"Oh, right," Soap chuckled. "Sorry, my mind was wandering," he added softly.Soap's lips pressed against your chest once again as he brought his body closer to yours. His arms wrap around your torso, holding you close.
"You're right, We both need a bath," Soap said, his voice full of laughter.

After a few precious minutes, Soap released his enchanting hold on you, gently releasing you from his grip and rising gracefully from the bed; you found yourself mesmerized once again by the mesmerizing sight of Soap's flawless physique, radiating with an ethereal magnificence that it left you breathless.

Tenderly, he gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead and then headed decisively towards the bathroom, determined to prepare the tub for both of you once again. This gave you time to lie down on the comfortable bed for a few more minutes to regain your strength after all that passion you felt.

As soon as the tub was ready again, Soap came to call you, and you both entered the tub again in the same positions as moments before, lying on Soap's comfortable and robust chest while Soap's hands gently and carefully ran the sponge over yours. Body, helping you remove sweat and pleasure stuck to your skin.With each passing moment, you felt the overwhelming confirmation that life without this man by your side would be unimaginable.

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