|ᴀ ᴏɴᴇ-ɴɪɢʜᴛ ꜱᴛᴀɴᴅ| Ghost x Reader p.2

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(Author's note:  Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing great!
Just wanted to drop a quick note to say that I haven't been feeling sick lately. Despite that, I'm pushing through to bring you a new chapter—it's a bit shorter than my recent ones, though. I apologize if it doesn't quite measure up to the usual standard, but I'm giving it my all. I really hope you'll still find some enjoyment in it! 💖)

The weeks drifted by with the swiftness of sand slipping through an hourglass, each grain marking the passage of time since you and Ghost last intertwined lives in that pulsating nightclub. Months slipped away like fleeting dreams, leaving only memories tinged with longing and uncertainty.

With exchanged numbers lingering in your pocket like promises, you held onto the hope that Ghost would resurface, that he would reach out to orchestrate another rendezvous. But as days turned into nights and nights into weeks, his absence became a heavy weight on your heart. The flicker of hope dimmed, leaving behind a dull ache, a realization that what you shared might have been nothing more than a transient flame destined to flicker out after a single passionate night.

As darkness enveloped the city, casting shadows over the streets, you found yourself amidst the familiar confines of the restaurant where you toiled away the hours. With the final echoes of diners' laughter fading into the night, you embarked on the cleaning ritual, a solitary task in the quietude of closing time.

Your movements were methodical, yet your mind wandered, drifting into what-ifs and could-have-been. And then, like a sudden wind disrupting your reverie, the door swung open, drawing your attention like a moth to a flame.

"I'm sorry, we're closed," you began to recite the rehearsed lines, ready to shoo away the intruder, only to falter as your eyes met an all-too-familiar figure standing at the threshold.

In the soft glow of the restaurant's lights stood Ghost, his presence commanding attention, his aura casting a spell that left you momentarily spellbound. It was him, unmistakably so, his essence weaving through the air like a siren's call. And there, beneath the veil of his signature balaclava adorned with a skeletal motif, lay the enigma that had haunted your thoughts for endless nights.

"Ghost," you whispered, the name rolling off your tongue like a prayer, your gaze tracing the contours of his form, a mixture of disbelief and longing painting your features as you drank in his presence once more.

Ghost's obsidian gaze locks onto yours, drawing you into a mesmerizing dance as he closes the distance between you, each step echoing like a heartbeat in the silent room.

"How have you been?" His voice rumbles, a hunger simmering beneath the surface, yet his words flow like honey, coating the air with sweetness.

"It's been an eternity since our paths crossed. You've been on my mind more than you know."

Your response hangs in the air, suspended between hesitation and longing. Setting aside the broom, you turn fully towards Ghost, focusing solely on him, every fibre of your being attuned to his presence.

"Busy with work, but hanging in there," you confess with a subdued nod. A palpable silence follows, laden with the weight of missed opportunities and unexpected reunions. The surge of emotions leaves you momentarily adrift; the hopelessness you once harboured is now supplanted by the surreal reality of a Ghost standing before you.

"And you? How did you manage to find me?" Your curiosity piques, your head tilting slightly to the side inquisitively.

A knowing smile curves Ghost's lips, casting a soft glow upon his features. You marvel at the sight, finding solace in the gentle curve of his mouth amidst the tumult of emotions swirling within you.

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