|ꜱᴇʟꜰ ᴄʀɪᴛɪᴄɪꜱᴍ| Gaz x Reader

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In a moment of self-criticism about your new body, Gaz wants to remind you how much he loves you and doesn't care that your body has changed since your pregnancy.


(Author's note: Hi everyone! I let myself go a little too much, and Gaz has become a cute puppy! Furthermore, I wanted to say that for the children's names, I chose them at home because I felt guilty calling them "Child 1 and Child 2", but if you don't like the names I chose, you can select the ones you want. And if you want a part 2, don't hesitate to tell me :) )

Parenting felt more like navigating a stormy sea than a serene park. Each day unfurled new challenges, revealing how formidable the task of nurturing tiny lives was. The journey was particularly arduous for you and Gaz as you found yourselves unexpectedly blessed with twins. While you had braced yourselves for the demands of one baby, grappling with the needs of two was an entirely different beast. Yet, amidst the chaos and the steep learning curve of parenthood, your love for your children overflowed from the depths of your heart, mirrored equally by Gaz's unwavering devotion.

Never had you given credence to the cliché that children would become the centre of your universe. Initially dismissed as mere hyperbole, now you understand its profound truth.

A year had swiftly slipped by since the arrival of Henry and Miles, though the days often felt like a marathon. Nights like this one, with both boys struggling to settle, stretched on endlessly. Nestled in their cribs, you lingered in their room, gentle fingers tracing comforting patterns on their downy heads while you hummed soothing melodies. This ritual, though laborious, was the only balm for their restlessness, sometimes stretching minutes into what felt like eternity.

Leaving the nursery with the door ajar, you went down the hallway, weariness dragging at your limbs like anchors. In the living room, Gaz sat, his exhaustion etched into every line of his face, a silent testament to the shared trials of the day. Despite the fatigue weighing heavily upon you both, a quiet understanding passed between you, a bond fortified by your profound love for your family.

You sink into the couch beside him with a heavy sigh, the day's trials weighing down on your weary frame. "Gosh... I thought those two would never drift off," you murmur, leaning tiredly against Gaz's sturdy shoulder.

"I know, I was convinced they'd be up all night," Gaz responds, enfolding you in his arms, a comforting embrace amidst the exhaustion.

"I was half-afraid I'd doze off mid-lullaby," you confess, a weary chuckle escaping your lips.

"It's a miracle they nodded off together. Usually, it's a battle," Gaz remarks, his fingers gently combing through your hair, a gesture of tenderness amidst the evening's fatigue.

You close your eyes, a contented hum escaping your lips. "Indeed... after the whirlwind of today; the park, your parents' visit... all that play and running around," you murmur softly, the weariness evident in your voice. "I had hoped they'd conk out in an instant, but alas, their bedtime drama persists."

"You're right," Gaz agrees with a soft chuckle, the sound vibrating against your cheek. Holding you closer, he presses a tender kiss to the crown of your head. "I'm just grateful we can finally unwind."

"Henry and Miles really inherited their father's boundless energy and charm," you tease lightly, noting the striking resemblance between the twins and Gaz.

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