chapter 16

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Ahmed's fever had worsened during the night leading to the brunette sultana to stay awake, by his side. The only sound heard was her softly praying and Ahmed's occasional moans about his health. Poor boy couldn't sleep that night, instead he lay awake as his mother rocked him backwards and forwards. The same way she would when he was just a babe, so small and vulnerable. Easily frightened.

Come morning Defne hatun brought a tray with some soup and Ahmed's medicine. The physician had said to take it in the morning and evening. Gülnihal had obviously listened and was determined to bring her şehzade back into good health. Many in the palace had whispered that the poor little boy had gotten Hurrem's illness, it was contagious and he would have to isolate. Gülnihal had nearly fainted hearing this, was it true? Was this her punishment for harming hurrem? No no couldn't be, it was not!

So she prayed, her head bowed down and eyes closed as she whispered her prayers. For her son, forgiveness and her children's safety. She didn't know how long she stayed like that, Hours? The entire evening? But Defne had been the one to get her to eat and rest, when she rejected the offer the woman spoke up, her voice soft yet stern.

" Sultana if you want to help the sehzade, you need to be well rested and eat. You are no use to him if you are minutes away from collapsing. Şehzade Ahmed is asleep as well as the twins. Please eat and rest for a while. Myself and Zehra will take over".

It took a while but she finally agreed, relenting and ate the food served, sleep did not come to her. Her eyes on her boy. She only looked away when defne blocked her line of sight. The hatun hummed to the prince, the melody putting Gülnihal to sleep as well.

Two days later his fever did not leave, Suleiman stayed the night. Re - telling stories to the young boy, making him laugh and holding him until he fell asleep. Unfortunately the sultan had to leave in the morning, but he promised to return after his meetings. The valide and mahidevran sultana visited. As the valide cooed over and spoke sweetly to her grandchildren, Gülnihal saw a glint in mahidevran's eyes. A look of joy or even relief. She didn't understand it, why would a sick child make her happy, was she that cold or did this palace change her as well. The latter it seemed.

A week later he showed signs of getting better, he laughed more. Even requested stories, oh how she missed that question! She would tell him all the stories he wanted to hear. Even the ones he demanded as a repeat for bedtime, she would happily tell them all.

On the fourth week he had grown better and the physician deemed it appropriate that he could leave his chambers after another day indoors for safety reasons. Gülnihal had thanked her fate and luck, as a gift of gratitude she gifted the harem girls with gold as well as the physician who helped her.

( 2 months later)

It was a lovely day thought Gülnihal as she watched the twins crawling, or at least halima. Orhan just sat and watched, his hands occupied with a toy. At least he wasn't trying to chew it anymore she thought in amusement.

Huma hatun had finally given word to alara to give hurrem the antidote. The red haired woman was nearly forgotten if it wasn't for her children, people would not even believe she existed at all.

They offered to sneak it in to the old palace but alara had said that she would manage, Gülnihal nodded and they left the topic at that. Hopefully the antidote would reach hurrem by now.

The red haired woman would come back to big changes, changes she would not be able to hide. Such as what little allies she had would be gone, most had been taken care of such as nigar kalfa.

The woman had become bold, questioning huma in odd ways and watching her every move. Once whilst Gülnihal was getting ready to visit Alara, the kalfa had the audacity to ask her where she was going and if she had permission. She had nearly strangled her. That was when Gülnihal had decided that she would need to be gone.

How would she accomplish this? By whispering in Suleiman's and the valide's ears. Nigar would be married off next month. To a man named Osman aga. He was young and they would make a good couple she thought.

Daye hatun had arranged a meeting for them, from what she heard they had gotten along well. The news left her satisfied enough that she gifted her a fabric in the colour red and gold.

Another change would be that once hurrem returns Gülnihal would once more expecting. Another child would be added. She realised that she didn't need another son to frighten the other favourites. A daughter could be just as intimidating. Her halima would put fear in all she thought proudly, a born sultana.

Unfortunately it seemed that Mihrimah was her father's favourite. The little girls inoccent nature and childish blabbing had won over her father. He spent most evenings with her. This had caused some gossip as well. But the valide had put an end to it the second she heard. Punishing the girls with more chores and less free time. They had understood it seemed. Or had just not spoken aloud anymore.

Gulbahar sultana was a different case, the young girl was odd and most strangely disliked her father. Whenever he held her she would cry, screaming and wailing until her mother took her. Suleiman had jested saying that she loves her mother more . Gülnihal thought it was just the truth.

So much would change, but a bigger change would come soon. A change even Gülnihal wasn't expecting. The power dynamics would shift and sides would be taken.

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