chapter 7

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Gülnihal woke up a week later to huma hatun telling her that Alara had given the solution to her. After a lot of consideration they opted to put it into the beauty products. No need to endanger themselves by trying to find a way to sneak it into meals regularly. 

Huma had asked Defne to distract hurrem's maids after the sultana had been gone to visit Hatice sultana. Hurrem had kept her beauty supplies in her wardrobe, easily accessible Gülnihal thought smugly. Now all they had to do was wait until the effects show themselves. 

Currently the brunette was in the bathhouse, defne washing her with supplies brought from the old palace. After being burn she had very little trust in the main palace and it's people. 

Defne washed and dried her mistress, giving her a velvet red robe to wear. Gülnihal was offered a warm sweet tea as defne dried her hair, put scented oils on it and braided them. After a few hours it would look nice and wavy. 

Whilst her hair was settling, defne rubbed a oil on her legs and arms. Gülnihal felt herself relax as her trusty maid worked her magic. Never had she imagined a life like this herself, she always thought she would be hurrem's companion not the mother of three dynasty members and the Sultans favourite. 

Oh the sultan, it seemingly looked like she was being punished. The harem had stopped their gossip after a while, but Gülnihal had not forgotten their words, she would have to take quick action. Once more seduce him and make him only want her. Or at least desire her the most. 

It seemed like defne thought the same since her next words surprised the unaware woman. 

" My sultana, I believe in order to achieve our goals we may need you back in the Sultans favour" 

Gülnihal ignored how she expressed the goals as 'ours'. She had become used to it by now. Nodding she said that she would visit him after getting ready. It was already evening and he would be available if she was lucky. 

" Oh sultana if you do not mind I have the perfect dress selected for you. It's one of the new ones that you ordered". 

Gülnihal smiled and said that she would like to see it. Finishing up her bathhouse routine she went to her chambers.

Ahmed her lion, took few wobbly steps towards her and wrapped his small arms around her middle. Gülnihal smiled and kissed his head.

" My sweet lion, I believe it's time for you to eat dinner then go to bed" 

The boy protested in his broken sentences and said that he would like a story, Gülnihal smiled and ordered her other maid to bring the sehzade's favourite dessert for dinner. 

Whilst her dress was being collected she fed her son and tucked him into bed. Her story for him tonight was about her own father and his many travels. Gülnihal enjoyed shearing her stories with Ahmed and he enjoyed listening. 

Her dress arrived and looked absolutely beautiful. It was a long silver dress with small diamonds that glistened whenever light hit them. The sleeves were short and off the shoulder, leaving her back mostly bare. To add some modesty she dropped a silver shawl around herself lazily.

Her hair had been opened in long waves with silver pins instead of a headpiece, for the rest of her jewelry she wore a necklace also silver and bracelet. The scent she chose was a musky type, a deliberate choice.

Before leaving she checked on her twins, they had been fed and were currently awake. Gülnihal kissed them both and cooed at them each with love and affection. Then she left with defne trailing behind her. 

This time when she arrived the gaurds hesitated before one left to report to the sultan that she had arrived. Gülnihal prayed that he wouldn't reject her, that would be beyond humiliating. 

A few seconds of anticipation the gaurd returned and motioned for her to enter. She entered gracefully and took a deep breath.

The sultan was not facing her, instead he was facing the mirror. Gülnihal had decided that the best approach would be to remind him why he desired her in the first place. Make him believe she was his favourite once more.

Slowly she walked towards him and bowed deeply, her hair moving as she did so. The sultan turned around and Gülnihal kissed the ends of his kaftan. Then she rose, looking him dead in the eyes, without missing a beat she stepped closer and whispered

" Suleiman"

He did not say a word, instead brought his hand up to trace her lips and jaw.  

They stood in silence and then he broke it

" I wasn't expecting you"

" I did not expect to come but my heart brought me here. It could not bear with the separation any longer"

Gülnihal didn't even register what she had said, her goal was to sweet talk him, enough to reach her goal for the evening.

After staring into his ocean eyes, he brought her closer and gave into his temptation. Gülnihal had succeeded. 

Gülnihal spent two whole days in the private chambers. In the morning they dined together and whilst he left for state matters she changed into a beautiful ocean blue dress with finely done light blue embroidery of butterflies imprinted on it. Her hair was straightened using heated rods and decorated with a sapphire light blue crown.  

She brought her children after she was ready, together the sultan, Gülnihal and their children spent the rest of the day together. The sultan left before lunch for a meeting but returned and ate a late lunch with Gülnihal and their son. The twins had gone back to their chambers. 

This routine continued the next day until he had to be gone for another state affair. Gülnihal breathed with ease. 

" Sultana, huma hatun Is here" said defne. Gülnihal nodded and put down her book. She had been expecting her.

" Huma came looking worried, her face white as a sheet.

" What is wrong? Why do you look as if you have seen a ghost?" Asked Gülnihal. 

" Huma" she repeated after the woman began stuttering.

" My sultana, forgive me. But it's Alara hatun"

Gülnihal looked confused, what could Alara want? She had given her a handsome payment as well as offered her into her own service. But the hatun refused the job offer saying that she had a good business going on. 

" What happened? Dose she want something "? 

Huma shook her head, then took out a small paper. It was as if she was reading notes of the conversation she had with the hatun. 

" Sultana, the hatun said that she should have been paid more. She states that she has made this solution with expensive ingredients and the payment given dose not meet her agreement with us. Also she said it was a risky move for her since it is on a sultana. She demands more payment " 

Gülnihal nearly choked on her own spit, was this woman serious? Gülnihal had given her not only the amount she asked for but also jewelry and offered her a steady job. The greedy viper she bitterly thought. With a huff she told huma to take the small blue bundle from her chest. It was full of spare gold she had thought to save, hopefully this would satisfy the girl. 

" Give it to her and say that this is the final payment, it's more then enough"! 

Huma nodded and left with a bow, Gülnihal was left with her thoughts. 

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