chapter twelve

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Dear huma hatun

Words cannot describe how much I miss you, sometimes I wake up and expect myself to be in the old palace, surrounded by you and the other kalfas and agha's. But unfortunately that cannot be.

I am happy to announce that I have completed my goal. Hurrem has lost everything and I've gained more than I believed was possible. The sultan trusts me and spends all his time with me or his chief consort mahidevran sultana. 

So far I had very little interaction with her, my first interaction with hurrem was in the valides chambers but for obvious reasons she couldn't do anything. The second was in her chambers in which she summoned me to.  I hate to find joy in this, but I saw her red eyes and tear stained face. It brought me satisfaction, all those nights I had cried and now finally it's her turn. 

our second interaction was in the garden, I was forced to escort her since I was already taking prince Mustafa. She asked me if I was happy. Honestly I did not know what to say. Am I happy? Did I reach the end of my revenge? 

Huma hatun, now that hurrem is suffering, more than likely she lost favour for good. The whole royal family members ignore her, the valide speaks to her out of duty I believe and her only company is nigar kalfa. Sometimes I regret what I have done, seeing her tears makes me feel so lost and empty. I feel like I committed a mistake. 

She once said that I'd be her daye hatun, I honestly believed her. I never dreamed of stealing the Sultan from her. But how could I help myself when I was called not once but twice? Was it wrong for me to dream of a better life? Want the same love she had, was it wrong huma hatun? Am I in the wrong? 

Now that hurrem is gone, what will that mean for my relationship with the sultan? I'm confused. I do not love him but I feel sympathy for him and I hate seeing him upset or angry. I cried when he punished hurrem. I honestly couldn't believe it. I thought he would not believe me, but what a twist in fate. 

I don't have much time to write more my friend, I miss you and I am hoping to visit. I now not how, but I'll convince the valide somehow. I have sent gifts for you and the kalfas. As a thank you for taking care of me.

Your dear friend


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