chapter one

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" Hurrem hatun sent this" said the dark haired woman, in her hands was a fur. The same fur which was snatched from her own hands. 

" she said forgive me" with that she placed the item in the other womens arms and left. Gülnihal let out a slight laugh. Her friend, best friend forgave her.

Hurrem finally realised she had no choice and couldn't deny the sultan. She had no power to cross him, furthermore didn't she have the right to dream of a better life than what she was living at that moment?

She lazily threw the fur over her shoulders, kissing the ends with a school girl like giggle. She could finally find it within herself to sleep a soundless sleep.

It started with a itch, then turned to the irritating desire to scratch her face. The burning came last and grew worse as she touched her cheeks and neck. 

Getting up she made her way to the mirror occupying the room. Her eyes full of sleep and unshed tears opened to a ugly sight.

Burns and ugly red marks covered her entire cheeks and some of her neck. She screamed first in pure agony and then for the horrors her eyes were seeing. In a fit of madness she knocked the mirror off the wall that it was hanging on and made a run for it.

This was a terrible terrible dream, none of it was real and none of it would be real once she woke up in her bed with a clear face.

" my face, my face! Someone help me, my face is dead" she cried out in agony. Ayse hatun who was in the room with her ran after her. But Gülnihal 

Somehow she had missed a step or her footing may have slipped because she went tumbling down the stairs and fell onto the wooden floor her vision seeing only black. 

she found herself in the physician section of the palace, a older women cleaning her injuries and her fellow friends stood next to the bed. 

Her sad brown eyes locked with Ayse hatuns, after a few minutes of just staring into the pitying eyes of her friend she spoke and what she said would be remembered by all in the room 

" She burnt my face Ayse, the devil is real and took the form of Alexandra. I'll burn her entire existence. She will pay dearly for this" 

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