chapter fourteen

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It happened without any warning, Gülnihal had heard that the sultan would be back soon. Thankfully he had survived. Gülnihal had felt a rush of relief as daye hatun brought the news. So in order to suprise him she had went to the seamstress with some fabric she had brought. It was fine silks and riche colours such as purple, green and gold. 

She was making her way back to her chambers when she had the sudden urge to vomit. Thankfully she nade it to the bathhouse in time, or else the concubines would have gossip for the next few hours. 

She had hoped it would pass after a day or so, but no such luck. In fact it got worse, so worse that the valide had found out and ordered her presence. Quickly she changed into a cream coloured dress with her hear in a loose updo with some bits framing her face. She hoped she looked more put together then before, she silently cursed the one responsible for the gossip as she slowly made her way to the valide's chambers. 

Once inside, she saw the Sultana with daye hatun. They were talking and came to a stop after she had walked in. The older women was clothed in a ink black dress with her hair down as a maid brushed it. Obviously she had walked in whilst the valide was getting ready for the day. 

" Gülnihal come closer, I would like to speak to you" so she did just that. The two women sat down, Gülnihal could feel her heart beat quicken as they sat in less than peaceful silence. Her nerves firing up each second. The valide after having her long dark hair pulled into a low ponytail, and her big diamond crown placed upon her head finally spoke up.

" Gülnihal I have heard from many concubines that you are not well? I am concerned as to why you haven't visited a physician yet"

Gülnihal could feel her cheeks heat up, she had honestly thought that she would be better within a few days. It was just vomiting, nothing to feel concerned over. 

" My valide, I thought I'd give it a few days before going to see the physician. I did not want to bother her if it was a minor incident" 

The valide shot her a look, she couldn't describe it but it wasn't pleasant. Gülnihal only lowered her gaze as she felt eyes burning into her.

" Hatun I expected better from you. You are aware that you are around my son and grandson a lot. What if you caught something bad and passed it onto my lion or Mustafa? What would we have done then"? 

Oh, thought Gülnihal. She had not considered this as a threat. But thinking from the valides point of view it would be very concerning. She was embarrassed just thinking about how stupid she had been. 

" My sultana please forgive me! I'll visit the physician immediately if you command it" 

Hearing this the valide gave a nod and sent daye hatun with her, they would visit the physician together.

" Daye hatun, is everything alright? What brings you here" asked the middle aged woman as she gave them her full attention. 

The physician ward was medium sized, with two beds and a separate room in which she assumed had the medical equipment. 

" Don't worry hatun, I have brought Gülnihal here since she has been sick for a few days. Please examine her"

With that she stood outside as the physician ordered her to lay on one of the beds. Her cheeks burnt as the examination took place. 

After the hatun had completed her examination, she asked her questions about her cycle. It honestly at first confused her.

" Hatun I have news but we shall wait until daye hatun comes back to announce it"

They waited for a few minutes, date came in and asked after Gülnihal. Clearly the older women had no patience left since she was acting a little snappy. But the physician only smiled and said in a low but bright voice

" Congratulations, Gülnihal hatun is pregnant" 

" Is it true my friend? Honestly "? Asked ayse in pure joy, the woman had seated her on the bed and quickly started her list of questions. 

Gülnihal laughed out loud as she placed her hands on her stomach. It felt as if she was dreaming. 

" Yes it's true. I'm a few weeks along". 

Both women went out to see gold being scattered by kalfas and agha's. Mahidevran sultana had come and gave her a slight nod.

Her pregnancy hadn't thrilled the older sultana but she had learnt to keep her peace unless she wanted to loose favour. 

Gülnihal gave a tight lipped smile and watched the woman leave, probably heading to the valide's chambers. 

That night as Gülnihal lay in bed, her only two thoughts had been

​​​​​​​What would the sultan think and what would hurrem think. She had anxiety just thinking about it. 

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