chapter 13

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The next morning chaos followed. Firstly hurrem was sent to the physicians ward as the valide informed the sultan and had the children checked. 

It took until the afternoon when word travelled back. Everyone was gathered in the valides chambers including Suleiman who looked pale. He took was examined but he was in the clear since he hadn't been around the woman for weeks. Honestly Gülnihal feared it was contagious at first but when the children came out fine she relaxed slightly. The tension wouldn't leave her until hurrem left. 

" Valide hurrem cannot possibly stay here, what if it's contagious and she spreads it"? Said mahidevran concerned, Gülnihal joined in the worrying discussion. Her silence could come off suspicious. 

" I agree my sultana, what if the sultan catches this illness? We would be ruined. She may need to isolate for some time" 

The valide know looking horrified nodded and ordered daye hatun to make preparations.  All hurrem's children would stay with her for as long as their mother was recovering. The sultan after a few seconds of hesitation agreed and went to see the woman, from a distance obviously. 

Many agas and kalfas began the preparation for the journey and long stay. Three carriages were full with just the red haired woman's belongings and one for her to travel in. She was only allowed to take one maid and a physician. 

Gülnihal saw from her chambers, how hurrem was escorted into her carriage. She didn't think the solution would effect her in this way. But the rashes were in fact ugly and horrible and the woman had skin so pale she looked like a ghost. 

She was dressed in a black dress her hair open, probably trying to cover the rashes from her children who were already in the valides care. 

As she watched her leave, Gülnihal heard huma hatun from behind her. 

" When do you plan to give her the cure? And how"?

Gülnihal smirked then said in a soft voice as if she was announcing her children's favourite dessert

" Six months" 

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