chapter four

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  Gülnihal spent the next six weeks    studying and trying to earn the valide Sultanas trust, hoping that she would grant her a chance to walk the golden path

She was given minor tasks such as cleaning the chambers and collecting the older sultanas meals.  The valide had a big luxurious chamber, it took at least two girls including herself to clean and organise it. 

Working for the sultana ment seeing Alexandra who showed off her pregnant belly to everyone. She had a new maide who she didn't know the name of. But other than that she was still the same rude arrogant women who thought herself better than everyone. 

When she first spotted Gülnihal she looked shocked, paper white. Then she tried to make conversation and act as if nothing happened, but since the valide was in the same location she shut her down rather quickly.

" hurrem, she is one of my main maids. Don't slow her down with idel chatter. Gülnihal go and get me my favourite drink" 

​​​​​​​She remembered the look on the red heads face as she left, the look of disbelief and utter shock. She didn't believe what her eyes showed her. 

Gülnihal remembered how she reacted when mahidevran sultana got pregnant, the horrible thing she said. She remembered how happy she got once she found out that the sultana was no longer pregnant. 

Looking back she was horrified when she saw her friend beated and bloody. But now she was looking with open eyes. No longer wearing rose colored glasses which blinded her. Alexandra deserved that beating if only she was sent away right then and there. Instead she got more of the sultan's attention. 

Gülnihal didn't forget the beating she got from her former friend, the way she slapped and pushed her. If Alexandra could do this to her, what would she do to someone she didn't know of? Would she kill them? 

She needed more allies probably someone in the harem. If Ibrahim and the valide were not enough to protect mahidevran how would they protect her. 

She would need to do something herself, no one could be trusted apart from ayse that is. 

But things would change thought Gülnihal as she walked past the red haired women's chambers, unlike mahidevran sultana hurrem would be long forgotten and would regret causing any harm to her only loyal friend. 

One random day thanks to Ibrahim she finally got a chance to walk the golden path, apparently after a heated exchange with the now second time pregnant hatun Ibrahim out of anger managed to convince the sultan to see another woman for the night. Wonderful

" are you excited" asked Ayse as she applied the perfume on her neck and wrists. Gülnihal nodded smiling but it didn't reach her eyes. 

She didn't like Suleiman, especially after what happened. That man was the reason for her suffering as much as Alexandra was. 

If he put limits on the woman and didn't treat her as if she was the only one then she would be less arrogant and rude. She would know her place. 

" go have a wonderful time with the sultan, I'll be sure to update you on hurrems reaction" at this they both laughed. Oh how she wished she could also see her throw a fit. 

"do you remember everything we taught you"? Said nigar as she was led to the sultans chambers. 

Nigar hatun, she was a good person but if only she didn't blindly support the other women. You would think that after the ugly act the witch had pulled she would loose nigar and her support but that was wishful thinking. 

Hurrem when she was just Alexander told her days after sleeping with the sultan of what nigar adviced her.  She remembered having a empty feeling after that. 

Why did the kalfa only tell this to Alex and not anyone else. Was it because she threw a fit and was deemed strong enough to become a Sultana? Or was it to make her shut up. She hoped it was the latter.  

Gülnihal nodded but knew in her head that she would not use a single advise given by the kalfa. Her plans would fail before they began if she acted like a naive girl. 

She had woken up early that day and selected her dress. She was wearing a beautiful light blue dress with off the shoulder sheer sleeves, the dress had flowers all over it save the skirts. What made the dress special in her eyes was the daring cuts on the waist and chest areas as well as all the lace. Not even hurrem could think of something like this.

" go and please our sultan" said nigar as she watched her enter the room. This was it, her destiny changing. 

She followed the first few instructions. Sinking into her knees she kissed the ends of his robe until he tilted her head up to look at him. 

She met his gaze with doe like eyes and what she hoped was a dreamy look full of awe. Her lips parted slightly as he broke eye contact. He was nervous she thought trying not to smirk.

When he didn't make a move to help her up she pulled herself up gracefully and "accidentally" brushed her finger tips over his hands in the process. He finally met her gaze and traced the shape of her lips and cheekbone. Feather light touches sent shivers down her spine as she closed her eyes, leaning closer until their lips were inches apart. 

" who are you" he whispered, his hands now resting on her hips.

Gülnihal moved her face until her red lips were near his ear,  " I am whoever you want me to be, for now I'm only yours" 

The sultan laughed and brushed his lips against hers muttering

" where are you from, who sent you"

Gülnihal thought carefully before responding in a light breathless voice. 

" I am from deep within the ocean, the heavens. sent especially for you my liege. I came because you needed me "

"So you are an angel" he whispered, she didn't respond just gazed at him lovingly. 

The Sultan smiled leaning in closer until his lips touched hers. She smiled into the kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck. 

" you are an angel, aren't you"? He said and she just laughed and nodded as they kissed again. 

The first thing Gülnihal noticed was that she was in a bed but not her bed, then she saw the sultan asleep right next to her his arms behind his head. An uncomfortable position she thought as she smoothed down her hair and rubbed her face. 

​​​​​​Getting out of the bed she put on her dress and left quietly. Left him wondering were she was and why she left. 

She returned minutes later wearing a red lacy nightdress and robe. Her hair open and in waves like last night. 

Slowly she slipped into bed and laid her head on his chest. The sound of his heart beat lolled her into a deep sleep. 

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