chapter seven

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T.W: mentions of miscarriage and beating

"Ayse " called out Gülnihal as she ran into the harem, she couldn't wait to inform her friend of what was to come.

" Yes my lovely friend" said aysa as she met her half way, they briefly hugged, ayse was truly a blessing in her life she thought

" Come let's go to your chambers, we have many things to discuss" 

After entering the girls chambers, they sat on her bed ready to gossip.

" So what happened, what did the sultan say"? She asked, eyes full of questions and awaiting answers

" Well we spoke about mahidevran sultana and what she did to hurrem, he's still very angry at her so I asked if she's still being punished, why isn't hurrem being punished"

Ayse gasped, eyes widening as she moved closer to Gülnihal

" He said that hurrem did nothing wrong and then I told him that she had done the same thing as the Sultana and to ask his mother " 

" Oh my, Gülnihal you are very dangerous " said ayse laughing, the hatun seemed to find this as entertaining as Gülnihal did. Good she thought as they continued to talk.

" Ayse I need you to help me, will you keep an eye on the harem for me. I need to know if anything happens" 

Ayse had agreed without any hesitation, oh how much she loved this woman.

A few days went by without any incident, she visited the sultan but never gained the holy Thursday night. So like the valide had said she moved into the favourites chambers shearing a room with Ayse as she requested. 

The sultan gifted her many different fabrics and jewelry, they were all lovely she thought. She gifted some to her friends in the harem. It was best to gain more friends then enemies.

Her chambers were beautiful and she remembered how she and hurrem who was then Alexandra, would wish to be one of them. Oh how they envied the favourites. Now she was one of them.

A few days later it had happened, the sultan had summoned her and ordered her to tell him of what happened to her before she returned. 

Valide sultana and daya hatun were also present as well as Ayse who was used as another witness. 

She re - told everything. From how hurrem had beated her to how she gave her poisoned fur that destroyed her face for six months. She even went as far as showing the ' get well soon ' letters some of the girls sent her as well as nigar kalfa. Ibrahim was then called for and told the story very similar to her version. 

she was dismissed and heard from a kalfa that hurrem hatun was summoned in the private chambers. She waited for almost the whole afternoon until Ayse heard news and told her of what was happening

" The sultan has removed Mehmet from hurrem hatun's care, he will be living in a private nusery with a wet nurse and maids. Most likely she won't be seeing him for a while". 

Gülnihal nearly cried in joy, finally the devil would pay! Alexandra this is your karma she thought in happiness.

" Gülnihal hatun, the Sultan has asked for you " said sumbal aga, she rushed to get ready and made sure to arrive as quickly as possible.

Once outside the doors she entered without leave and went straight into his arms. She could not help but allow tears to fall from her eyes. The one who harmed her was being punished.

" My sultan, you called for me" she said after gathering her emotions, she would not cry just yet she thought.

The sultan sat down on his chair she sat on his lap as he went through his jewelry. Then he opened the draw and pulled out the infamous Emerald ring. 

Gülnihal realised with a sudden shock that the sultan had taken it away from the new princes mother. Originally it was rumoured to be mahidevran sultanas but he gave it to the red head instead. Was he giving it to her? 

" My beloved, what is this? Wasn't this hurrem hatun's"? She asked out of curiosity

He leaned back into his chair and picked the ring up, it was as if he was debating on something in deep thought.

" Originally I was not going to take it from her, but after some unwanted words I came to realise that she did not deserve the ring after all. You tell me who should I give it to"? 

Gülnihal thought for a moment, if being honest she would take it for herself. Hurrem would be mortified to loose to her after all. But in Gülnihal's mind she already lost.

" I say give it to the women you originally made it for. Since they have done similar acts but mahidevran sultana was in the right for the beating if I'm being honest "

The sultan looked at her as if she was crazy, well she would think this as well if she were in his place. So she elaborated 

" My love, what I mean is that when the news of mahidevran sultanas second pregnancy arrived. Hurrem hatun got very hostile and she...."

The sultan looked interested now, he dropped the ring and asked her to elaborate

" My sultan, forgive me for this but these are her words and I fear our beloved sultana may have heard them hence why she blamed her for the miscarriage"

She remembered that hurrem had said that mahidevran sultana had slapped her and said that she killed her baby, Gülnihal had been disgusted at her former friends words. As a woman how could she say such a thing about another woman. She deserved that beating after all

" She wished that the baby died" said Gülnihal after some hesitation

The sultan now had grown pale, his eyes downcasted, Gülnihal squeezed his arm in comfort.

" Gülnihal hatun, you may leave and summon sumbal agha" 

She bowed and left without hesitation 

A/n: I do feel like if Gülnihal turned against hurrem she would snake out her secrets and all her mistakes in a appropriate time lol.

And yes I was enraged after hurrem said that she hoped for mahidevran to suffer a miscarriage , she literally says ' I hope it dies' and I'm assuming that mari/ Gülnihal was the same age as her so her age isn't an excuse for her words as some comments have said. Anyways lemme know your thoughts!

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