chapter 3

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As Gülnihal put on the black dress, she couldn't help but look at herself in the mirror. She had lost most of the weight she gained during pregnancy. But she still hasn't come back to her original figure. Mahidevran sultana had not changed much other than her still having aches and pain for a few months after her daughter's birth as she had told the valide. Gülnihal had recovered much more swiftly as she was told from her aunt when she was nearing marriage age that her mother had been the same. She had recovered quite quickly and fell pregnant much faster afterwards. 

The dress fit her perfectly, hugging her curves and the skirts sat on the floor in jet black sparkly ink. She looked like a queen she thought as her hair was being curled and a black gemed crown was placed on as well as a vail to match. After adding a musky scent she left with two aga's and huma hatun following her. 

On the way she couldn't help but feel her heart beat quicken, she really shouldn't have just stayed in her chambers but she also refused to allow the witch to gain anything, her hard work would not be soiled. 

Once she reached the Sultans chambers, she smiled proudly seeing that no one was there. She stood outside for a few minutes, she was early and would not walk right inside as he could be busy with state affairs. 

But before she could even drift onto a different thought her name had been called from behind her.

" Gülnihal sultana" 

Turning around she was faced with nigar kalfa, the kalfa looked at her as if she had seen a ghost, Gülnihal tried to see if the kalfas favourite sultana was behind her but she saw no one.

" Nigar hatun, what do you want"? Asked huma, the other hatun knew just when to step in for her and did it gladly. 

" What do you mean what do I want? I could as you the same" 

" How dare you hatun! Can't you see a sultana is standing in front of you" barked out huma in anger, nigar sometimes had the tendency to speak out of turn, this didn't bother Gülnihal much but at this moment she felt like it was a blunt disrespect.

" Nigar hatun, why are you here"?  Asked Gülnihal, suddenly finding her voice. The hatun bowed as if she had only just seen her and said that she was here with hurrem sultana.

" Where is she right know, if you are here with her..." 

Nigar looked at her as if she was a spoilt child who was damanding for too much. Then in a casual tone she stated the ' obvious ' 

" In the Sultans chambers, where else"? 

Everything stopped, the earth her heart and mind. She could hardly stand up straight. Honestly she would have fallen if not for huma hatun who was holding onto her waist tightly. The woman tried to help her in a standing position but ended up carrying all her weight. 

She didn't know why but tears stung her eyes and she felt as if the whole harem played a awful game with her, without further hesitation she picked up her heavy skirts and ran towards her chambers. Humiliation taking over her body and mind. 

As she was stumbling inside her chambers she missed her footing and nearly tumbled, thankfully Dafne caught her just as she was heading out of the room. The woman looked horrified and helped her mistress instead and into her cream coloured night dress. The hatun then helped her into bed, tucking her in as she went by to the children. 

She didn't sleep that night, or leave her chambers in the morning. She had no wish to visit the valide so sent only Ahmed and claimed that she was sick. 

She also did not wish to hear the gossip in which it would be revealed that she was left waiting outside of the Sultans chambers whilst hurrem hatun was inside. She felt strangely betrayed by this, she knew he could have any women and didn't care if he slept with another as long as she remained his favourite. But hurrem and her nasty games could threaten all this and for obvious reasons Gülnihal still did not forgive her nor would she ever. 

That day until the evening, Gülnihal stayed in her chambers only getting up to change into a beautiful red dress with gold embroidery. She dined in her chambers and refused to go anywhere. But that all ended when she heard that the mother of the first sehzade had called for her 

A/n: pure angst in the next chapter y'all 😭

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