chapter eleven

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The next few months felt like a warm breeze, Gülnihal finally tasted justice after months of anxiety and stress. 

But she now had another problem, now that hurrem was out of the picture how would that effect her relationship with the sultan? She only went after him because she wanted hurrem to hurt as she had for months. But now the red haired hatun was suffering and would most likely be the one forgotten.

Gülnihal hadn't expected the sultan to react the way he had, she had thought that he would forgive her within a few days but here months had went by and no such thing had happened.

In fact, it was as if the red haired woman never existed, she had learnt by esma that a physician would visit her twice a week. Nigar hatun would spend any free time with her and that she only left her chambers to visit the bathhouse or to visit Mehmed who was still in the royal nursery. 

Gülnihal had seen glimpse of her former friend, her belly had grown bigger but she looked as gloomy as the day that Gülnihal had first met her. It almost made her feel guilty, she had wanted to hurt her but now she longed to comfort her former friend. Hug until she felt better. But that chapter was closed now she thought. Revenge and bitterness had destroyed all paths to healing and they would have to live with it. 

But at the same time Gülnihal didn't regret her actions. By burning her face, hurrem had become as evil as mahidevran when the Sultana had poisoned and beaten her. The beating could be forgiven if people considered it carefully. Mahidevran sultana was grieving and thought hurrem caused her suffering. The poison even Gülnihal knew was a step too far, but she had been punished and the sultan had said that she understood her mistakes and accepted them. Gülnihal doubted that but didn't say anything on the matter.

She still visited the sultan regularly, excluding the holy Thursday night. Ever since mahidevran sultana had gotten back into favour, he spent the Thursday nights with her and other nights he called for Gülnihal. Gülnihal had sympathised with the sultan a little but didn't immediately fall in love with him, there was still so much she didn't know about this man and sometimes she was confused by his emotions.

Did he read the same poems he read to her to another woman? Had he whispered the same words to another woman? So many questions yet no answers she realised after a night ful of troubled sleep and unanswered questions. Gülnihal hadn't felt like this for ages. 


Currently she was sat in the Sultans chambers with him head resting on her naked thigh. She had visited him last night and he had requested for her to stay, it was know mid-afternoon and he had a meeting in a few hours she realised. However he made no movement of leaving nor did he dismiss her. 

She ran her fingers through his short hair as she felt him relax even more. She often wondered what was going on in this man's head, was he carrying dark secrets or worse. She felt for him but also thought that he was easily swayed. By anyone who he deemed trustable. Be it Hurrem, Ibrahim, valide, herself or his own thoughts. 

engrossed in her own thoughts she only just realised that the sultan had in fact fallen asleep, carefully she removed herself from him and sorted out her clothes and hair. She left after alerting Ibrahim. 

" How was it with the sultan" asked Ayse after she returned, Gülnihal smiled softly and began the tale. 

" It was the same as always. I spent the night with him and in the morning we ate breakfast together" 

Ayse only laughed and told her that she was their longer than usual. True thought Gülnihal, normally she would leave after breakfast but this time she stayed near evening. 

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