chapter five

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A/n: yes I made up background information for Gülnihal since we don't know anything about her.

" Gülnihal, I've left the valide sultana's clothes in the laundry room, they have been washed and dried. Please bring them" said Zeynep as she folded some lavender coloured sheets. 

Gülnihal sighed loudly as she placed the item she was cleaning back into it's rightful place, then she went to retrieve the clothes for her new found friend.

Even though she had spent multiple nights with the sultan, the valide had wanted to keep her close in case hurrem decided to strike. She was told that if she managed to gain at least one holy Thursday night with the sultan, she would be granted a room in the favourites chambers and may if fate was on her side, become a Sultana. But if not and he continues to seek her out she would move into the favourites chambers within the next two weeks. 

Hurrem was yet to find out about her visiting the sultan, Gülnihal felt as if she would find out when he returned from his campaign. He was due to leave within the next three months. Right after the engagement of Hatice sultana and prince Mustafa's tutor.

Whilst working for the valide, Gülnihal made new friends and after a lot of consideration she had won over the first princes mother. Mahidevran sultana at first was suspicious of her and her motives, but after seeing no hatred from her side and no ill will she grew more warm around the new favourite. 

Since mahidevran sultana held no hate towards her the rest of her maids treated her better than they would if anyone else was in her place. Which was one less problem she had to worry about. She had a mission and would do everything in her power to complete it and come out the Victor.

Suleiman would see his beloved hurrem for what she really was. Then he will reject her himself, a storm was coming and it would destroy her enemy.

" so what is your plan" asked Ayse hatun as the two girls sat on her bed. 

" well my initial plan was to take the very person away from hurrem that is making her hurt others and giving her power to do so" 

Ayse nodded and frowned slightly, obviously the dark haired woman didn't understand what Gülnihal ment.

 " the sultan ayse, when I'm done with him he will not even want hurrem or even think about her" 

" how will you achieve this"? She said as she rubbed a cream into her hands and arms. Gülnihal laughed and playfully shoved her 

" Did I ever tell you that I had a older sister names victoria"? Asked Gülnihal, her eyes fixed on the other womens.

Ayse shook her head, Gülnihal spoke little on her life before entering the harem. Out of both the red haired and the brunette only one told everyone who she was and her life story.

" what dose your sister have to do with this "? Asked Ayse confused. Obviously she wouldn't know thought Gülnihal feeling stupid.

" well when my sister was young, when she first bloomed into womenhood. She fell madly in love with this man who used to visit our village every few months. They become lovers and he even said he would marry her "

She paused taking in the other womens reaction, Ayse listened with her eyes narrowed.

" well this man as he said went through with his promise in a way at least. Victoria and the man got engaged with a cheap ring. But I remember how my sister would gaze at it as if it was some rare gem.  She was deeply in love at this point".

Gülnihal saw ayse's lips move into a smile at that. Poor girl was about to have a rude awakening.

" a month later, when the wedding was due, my sister wore a beautiful light pink dress. It used to be my mothers since we couldn't afford a new one but she loved it nevertheless. My cousin and I spent hours doing her hair and making her look beautiful. 

When the hour of the wedding came, she waited and waited for her lover to come but he never did. She made excuses for him until the evening. She gave up by then" 

Gülnihal could still remember her sisters cries after the cold truth hit her. How she locked herself in her room not coming out for days. She missed her dearly.

 " a few weeks later she resived a letter from someone. A young boy in fine clothes came and delivered it. She read it in her room, it held no good news though as I know she hoped.

It was an apology from her lover Michael, I read the letter after my mother threw it on the ground after reading it. My sister was miserable. It had said that Michael who was on his way to our village was suddenly stopped before leaving by his ex wife.

His ex wife and mother of his first son. who was his first love, they had separated after he caught her cheating on him with another man. She had begged him for another chance but he declined". 

Ayse looked horrified at this, eyes full of pity and sadness. Gülnihal felt sick as she retold the events.

" she had come wearing a magnificent white wedding dress, the dress she wore for their own wedding.  When he asked what she wanted, she said she only wanted him and that she had changed her ways. He still held some warmth for her since she was his first love fell right back into her arms"

Ayse without a word pulled the brunette into her arms hoping to comfort her. Just like she did when Gülnihal was leaving for her recovery. Gülnihal allowed her warmth and comfort to enfold her as she calmed down. Her heart was still beating fast and she felt like peace. 

" my mother who watched my sister fall into a deep depression couldn't bear it anymore after a few months and as a way to get her back into her senses she told her something "

Ayse waited for her to say, Gülnihal knew that the girl was now invested in the story. 

" she said that: a man never really forgets his first love or mother of his first child. He will always have some love for her even if she hurt or offended him. 

My mother also said that she must have done something to gain his trust that night or he wouldn't have married her that very day as it said in the letter "

The dark haired woman's eyes widened, she had understood what the new favourite was going to do.  Clever she thought as she pulled away from the embrace.

" Hurrem will make a mistakes once this happens Ayse and Suleiman will not be forgiving this time around"

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