chapter 9

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"hurry up girls, take that chest only. It has all Ahmed's clothes in and his toys" 

She barked out orders as she held orhan, he was being fussy and refused to sleep. They had visited the physician and she had cleared him of any sickness. He was just fussy it appeared, his sister on the other hand was quite yet loved to grip onto things. 

zehra had been dismissed to pack for herself whilst defne and two agas packed for Ahmed. The boy was very exited and couldn't stop moving around or repeating in his broke words:

" We going hunting"! 

Gülnihal laughed everytime he said that. Pure innocence, how she missed her own. 

After the packing was done and Gülnihal made sure he took his special blanket with him they set off to meet the others. 

She met the other mothers who had their children by their side. 

Esma was with Mehmet and a woman named Emel with Mustafa. She smiled and bidded her son and lover goodbye 

​​​​​​The other two women acted much the same but she knew they were disappointed in not going with him. Hurrem especially. 

Whilst leaving she was stopped by her rival. Stunned she turned around and met her eyes. Blue verses brown once more.

" Unfortunate isn't it? He didn't take any of us" her voice came through as unbothered but it was anything but that. 

" Yes, but at least he can relax and spend time with his children" 

Hurrem nodded and they fell into step together, awkwardness filled the air. 

" I heard mahidevran is sick? How is she know"

Ah so the reason for this conversation appeared. Pity 

" Yes but she's better now. When I visited her she was doing much better"

At this hurrem froze, her lips forming a thin line. She laughed and spoke up in a airy voice.

" You visited her"? 

Nodding Gülnihal went to explain that she had a civil relationship with mahidevran and often they spoke. The red haired woman didn't seem to like this. 

Do you think...she could be pregnant....? She finally asked, great! Obviously this was the only thing on her mind Gülnihal thought sarcasticly.

" I do not know, maybe she could be. After all most Thursday nights she is with the sultan as his bas kadin" 

If looks could kill Gülnihal would be six feet under by now. The red haired woman was fuming 

' both my enemies becoming friends, brilliant' she mumbled, pretending as if she hadn't heard Gülnihal bidded her goodbye, leaving her with unanswered questions.

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